Daftar Isi
Multiobjective Programming and Goal-Programming.- A Constraint Method in Nonlinear Multi-Objective Optimization.- The Attainment of the Solution of the Dual Program in Vertices for Vectorial Linear Programs.- Optimality of the Methods for Approximating the Feasible Criterion Set in the Convex Case.- Introducing Nonpolyhedral Cones to Multiobjective Programming.- A GP Formulation for Aggregating Preferences with Interval Assessments.- Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization.- Bicriterion Shortest Paths in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks.- Clusters of Non-dominated Solutions in Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization: An Experimental Analysis.- Computational Results for Four Exact Methods to Solve the Three-Objective Assignment Problem.- Constraint Optimization Techniques for Exact Multi-Objective Optimization.- Outer Branching: How to Optimize under Partial Orders?.- Multiobjective Metheuristics.- On Utilizing Infeasibility in Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms.- The Effect of Initial Population Sampling on the Convergence of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms.- Pattern Mining for Historical Data Analysis by Using MOEA.- Multiple-Objective Genetic Algorithm Using the Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method TOPSIS.- Multiobjective Games and Uncertainty.- Multi-Criteria Simple Games.- Multiobjective Cooperative Games with Restrictions on Coalitions.- An Experimental Investigation of the Optimal Selection Problem with Two Decision Makers.- Solving a Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming Problem Through the Value and the Ambiguity of Fuzzy Numbers.- A Robust-Solution-Based Methodology to Solve Multiple-Objective Problems with Uncertainty.- Interactive Methods and Applications.- On the Use of Preferential Weights in Interactive Reference Point Based Methods.- Interactive Multiobjective Optimization of Superstructure SMB Processes.- Scheduling of Water Distribution Systems using a Multiobjective Approach.- On Conditional Value-at-Risk Based Goal Programming Portfolio Selection Procedure.- Optimal Bed Allocation in Hospitals.- Multiobjective (Combinatorial) Optimisation—Some Thoughts on Applications.- Multi-scenario Multi-objective Optimization with Applications in Engineering Design.