The Core GRID Network of Excellence (No E) project began in September 2004. Two months later, in November 2004, the first Core GRID Integra tion Workshop was held within the framework of the prestigious international Dagstuhl seminars. Core GRID aims at strengthening and advancing long-term research, knowledge transfer and integration in the area of Grid and Peer-to- Peer technologies. Core GRID is a Network of Excellence – a new type of project within the European 6th Framework Programme, to ensure progressive evolution and durable integration of the European Grid research community. To achieve this objective, Core GRID brings together a critical mass of we- established researchers and doctoral students from forty-two institutions that have constructed an ambitious joint programme of activities. Although excellence is a goal to which Core GRID is committed, durable integration is our main concern. It means that Core GRID has to carry out activ ities to improve the effectiveness of European research in Grid by coordinating and adapting the participants’ activities in Grid research, to share resources such as Grid testbeds, to encourage exchange of research staff and students, and to ensure close collaboration and wide dissemination of its results to the international community. Organising Core GRID Integration Workshops is one of the activities that aims at identifying and promoting durable collaboration between partners involved in the network.
Daftar Isi
Architecture.- From Event-Driven Workflows Towards a Posteriori Computing.- On Adaptability in Grid Systems.- Bringing Knowledge to Middleware — Grid Scheduling Ontology.- Remote Administration and Fault Tolerance in Distributed Computer Infrastructures.- Resource and Data Management.- The Virtual Resource Manager: Local Autonomy Versus Qo S Guarantees for Grid Applications.- Resource Management for Future Generation Grids.- On Designing and Composing Grid Services for Distributed Data Mining.- GDS: An Architecture Proposal for a Grid Data-Sharing Service.- Intelligent Toolkits.- A Search Architecture for Grid Software Components.- Use of a Network-Enabled Server System for a Sparse Linear Algebra Grid Application.- Co-Allocation in Grids: Experiences and Issues.- Programming and Applications.- Structured Implementation of Component-Based Grid Programming Environments.- From Grid Middleware to Grid Applications: Bridging the Gap with Hocs.- HPC Application Execution on Grids.- Grid Application Programming Environments.