Penulis: Wendy Law-Yone

Wendy Law-Yone is the author of The Road to Wanting, Irrawaddy Tango, and The Coffin Tree. Her short stories have appeared in Grand Street and literary anthologies, and her book reviews and articles have been published in the Times Literary Supplement, the Washington Post, Atlantic Monthly, Architectural Digest, and Time Magazine. Her awards and honors include a National Endowment for the Arts creative writing fellowship, a Harvard Foundation award, and a David T. K. Wong creative writing fellowship at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. She lives in London.

5 Ebooks oleh Wendy Law-Yone

Wendy Law-Yone: A Daughter’s Memoir of Burma
Wendy Law-Yone was just fifteen when Burma’s military staged a coup and overthrew the civilian government in 1962. The daughter of Ed Law-Yone, the daredevil founder and chief editor of The Nation, B …
Wendy Law-Yone: Road to Wanting
Sometimes the hardest journey is the road home.Na Ga was always in search of a better life. But now she sits, alone, in a hotel room in Wanting, a godforsaken town on the Chinese-Burmese border. Pluc …
Wendy Law-Yone: Golden Parasol
Die, and it s the vile earth; live, and it s the golden parasol, went the old Burmese saying. Why not aim for the pinnacle with everything they had? The vile earth would be theirs soon enough. A year …
Wendy Law-Yone: Dürrenmatt and me
Die burmesisch-amerikanische Autorin Wendy Law-Yone beschreibt in diesem Buch, wie wichtig für sie und ihr Schaffen die Begegnung mit der deutschen Sprache und dem Werk Friedrich Dürrenmatts gewesen …
Wendy Law-Yone: Aung San Suu Kyi
POLITICIAN * PRISONER * PARENTA portrait of one of the most charismatic, but unknown, world leaders Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and crusader for democracyin Myanmar, is once again be …