JPL spacecraft antennas-from the first Explorer satellite in 1958
to current R & D
Spaceborne Antennas for Planetary Exploration covers the
development of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) spacecraft antennas,
beginning with the first Explorer satellite in 1958 through current
research and development activities aimed at future missions.
Readers follow the evolution of all the new designs and
technological innovations that were developed to meet the growing
demands of d...
JPL spacecraft antennas-from the first Explorer satellite in 1958
to current R & D
Spaceborne Antennas for Planetary Exploration covers the
development of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) spacecraft antennas,
beginning with the first Explorer satellite in 1958 through current
research and development activities aimed at future missions.
Readers follow the evolution of all the new designs and
technological innovations that were developed to meet the growing
demands of deep space exploration.
The book focuses on the radio frequency design and performance of
antennas, but covers environmental and mechanical considerations as
well. There is additionally a thorough treatment of all the
analytical and measurement techniques used in design and
performance assessment. Each chapter is written by one or more
leading experts in the field of antenna technology.
The presentation of the history and technology of spaceborne
antennas is aided by several features:
* Photographs and drawings of JPL spacecraft
* Illustrations to help readers visualize concepts and
* Tables highlighting and comparing the performance of the
* Bibliographies at the end of each chapter leading to a variety of
primary and secondary source material
This book complements Large Antennas of the Deep Space Network
(Wiley 2002), which surveys the ground antennas covered in support
of spacecraft. Together, these two books completely cover all JPL
antenna technology, in keeping with the JPL Deep Space
Communications and Navigation Series mission to capture and present
the many innovations in deep space telecommunications over the past
This book is a fascinating and informative read for all individuals
working in or interested in deep space telecommunications.