This collection on peace education includes contributions from an international group of scholars representing a wide variety of geographical conflict areas and exemplifying the multiple venues of peace educational labour. A strong emphasis is given to integrative and sustained long-term peace education efforts.
Daftar Isi
Introduction; Z.Bekerman & C.Mc Glynn Desegregation and Resegregation: The Legacy of Brown versus Board of Education, 1954; T.Gallagher Moving from Piecemeal to Systemic Approaches to Peace Education in Divided Societies: Comparative Efforts in Northern Ireland and Cyprus; L.Shepherd Johnson Reconciliation and Peace in Education in South Africa: The Constitutional Framework and Practical Manifestation in School Education; E.Bray & R.Joubert Colour Coded: How Well Do Students of Different Race Groups Interact in South African Schools?; S.Vandeyar & H.Esakov Challenges in Integrated Education in Northern Ireland; C.Mc Glynn Developing Palestinian-Jewish Bilingual Integrated Education in Israel: Opportunities and Challenges for Peace Education in Conflict Societies; Z.Bekerman Peace Education in a Bilingual and Bi-ethnic School for Palestinians and Jews in Israel: Lessons and Challenges; I.Nasser & M.Abu-Nimer Is the Policy Sufficient? An Exploration of Integrated Education in Northern Ireland and Bi-lingual/Bi-national Education in Israel; J.Hughes & C.Donnelly Education for Peace: The Pedagogy of Civilization; H.B.Danesh Learning to Do Integrated Education: ‘Visible’ and ‘Invisible’ Pedagogy in Northern Ireland’s Integrated Schools; C.Moffat From War to Peace: An Analysis of Peace Efforts in the Ife/Modakeke community of Nigeria; F.Aladejana Towards Sustainable Peace Education: Theoretical and Methodological Frameworks of a Programme in South Africa; T.Houghton & V.John Learning and Unlearning on the Road to Peace: Adult Education and Community Relations in Northern Ireland; P.Nolan The Reconstruction of the Teacher’s Psyche in Rwanda: The Theory and Practice of Peace Education at Kigali Institute of Education; G.K.Njoroge Post-Soviet Reconstruction in Ukraine: Education for Social Cohesion; T.Koshmanova & G.Holm Teacher Preparation for Peacebuilding in USA and Northern Ireland; C.C.Carte
Tentang Penulis
Dr Claire Mc Glynn is a lecturer at the School of Education, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.