Transition economies offer a test case for concepts and theories, for broader ideas and for the methods of scientific enquiry, but also for the multiplicity of ideological interpretations. This volume addresses the major issues of transformation, institutional design, the redistribution paradigm and the macroeconomic decisions to be made.
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Preface Acknowledgements Contributors Some Remarks on the Study of Transformation Processes; Z.Nahorski, J.W.Owsinski & T.Szapiro PART I: INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION: THE OWNERSHIP PARADIGM An Essay in Modelling of Institutional Change; L.Hurwicz When do Stakes in Restructuring put Restructuring at Stake; P.J.H.Schröder Privatization, Efficiency and Economic Growth; T.Gylfason The Herring Barrel Metaphor and What Next; Jan W. Owsinski PART II: REDISTRIBUTION, GOVERNMENT, AND HUMAN CAPITAL Transition and Stability of Redistribution Policies; J-L.Schneider Fiscal Policy and Transition: the Case of Poland; S.L.Baier & G.Glomm Knowledge Management and the Strategies of Global Business Education: From Knowledge to Wisdom; M.Zeleny Modelling of Labor Market in a Transition Economy; M. Mikhalevich Index
Tentang Penulis
SCOTT L. BAIER The John E. Walker Department of Economics, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA GERHARD GLOMM Economics Department, Indiana University at Bloomington, Indiana, USA THORVALDUR GYLFASON Department of Economics, University of Iceland, Iceland LEONARD HURWICZ College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, USA MIKHAIL MIKHALEVICH Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade, Kiev, Ukraine JEAN-LUC SCHNEIDER Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances, Paris, France PHILIPP J.H. SCHRÖDER Aarhus School of Business, Denmark MILAN ZELENY Fordham University, New York, USA