Ilse Depraetere has held positions at KULeuven (Campus Kortrijk) and KUBrussel and is currently Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Lille 3. She is a member of the research group Savoirs, Textes, Langage (UMR 8163 STL).
Raphael Salkie is Professor of Language Studies at the University of Brighton. He has taught at the Universities of Poitiers, Paris XIII, Paris VII, and Lille3, as well as the University of Zimbabwe.
Both Editors have published widely on tense, aspect and modality, the semantics/pragmatics interface being in the foreground of their publications. They organised and actively contributed to the workshop series ‘The semantics/pragmatics interface: linguistic, logical and philosophical perspectives’. Both have been involved in translation teaching and research. Their joint publication, ‘Tense’, appeared in the Routledge Handbook of Semantics, Nick Riemer (ed.), published in 2015.
7 Ebooks by Ilse Depraetere
Ilse Depraetere & Raphael Salkie: Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line
This book explores new territory at the interface between semantics and pragmatics, reassessing a number of linguistic phenomena in the light of recent advances in pragmatic theory. It presents stimu …
Ilse Depraetere: Perspectives on Translation Quality
The volume is a collection of papers that deal with the issue of translation quality from a number of perspectives. It addresses the quality of human translation and machine translation, of pragmatic …
Ilse Depraetere & Bert Cappelle: Models of Modals
Modal verbs in English communicate delicate shades of meaning, there being a large range of verbs both on the necessity side (must, have to, should, ought to, need, need to) and the possibility side …
Chad Langford & Ilse Depraetere: Advanced English Grammar
With more than 50 years of teaching experience between them, Ilse Depraetere and Chad Langford present a grammar pitched precisely at advanced learners of English who need to understand how the Engli …
Chad Langford & Ilse Depraetere: Advanced English Grammar
With more than 50 years of teaching experience between them, Ilse Depraetere and Chad Langford present a grammar pitched precisely at advanced learners of English who need to understand how the Engli …
Bert Cappelle & Ludovic De Cuypere: Models of Modals
Modal verbs in English communicate delicate shades of meaning, there being a large range of verbs both on the necessity side (must, have to, should, ought to, need, need to) and the possibility side …