Bestseller of germany´s most famous midwife Ingeborg Stadelmann – over 500.000 printed copies sold in germany!A sensitive, natural guidance through pregnancy, childbirth, childbed and breast-feeding with herbal medicine, homoeopathy and aroma therapy.
This book is a veritable treasure trove for anyone seeking information on natural pregnancy, childbirth and childbed!
Table of Content
Abbreviated table of Contents1 Pregnancy The first three months The second trimester The last three months Preparations for childbirth2. Childbirth The birth event The signs of labour The stages of labour The birth of the child Stillbirthsudden infant death syndrome3. Childbed Early childbed The newborn The breast-feeding period Late childbed+ Basic Principles of Herbal Medicine+ Basic Principles of Homoeopathy+ Basic Principles of Aroma Therapy
About the author
Ingeborg Stadelmann is an independent midwife and the mother of three children. She wrote her book for expectant parents and fellow midwives.