2 Ebooks by Irina (Department of Linguistics at the Technical University of Madrid) Arguelles Alvarez
Georgina Cuadrado Esclapez: Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas
Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, …
Georgina Cuadrado Esclapez: Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas
Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, …