Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fresh-cut Fruits and
Vegetables provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of
modern MAP technologies for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.
Coverage begins with the general MAP concept and application by
introducing the concept of MAP, how MAP works for fresh-cut produce
and the benefits and shortfalls of MAP in its application. The book
then discusses the basic aspects of MAP – packaging materials
and machinery. In these sections, the book addresses not only the
general information about MAP materials, but also supplies examples
to introduce the new packaging films and their successful
application in produce and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Unique
chapters and sections in the book include relevant patents for MAP,
commercial practices and MAP packaging machinery. Generally,
packaging machinery is only included in books specifically covering
packaging engineering. Coverage of this important aspect is
included in the book since fresh-cut manufacturers spend much more
time in the day-to-day operations on packaging machinery and
systems as compared to packaging film materials. In the final
section, Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Fresh-cut Fruits and
Vegetables highlights the latest developments in the packaging
industry and how they could impact the fresh-cut industry.
Tabella dei contenuti
Contributors vii
Preface ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
Hong Zhuang
Part I Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Chapter 2. Mathematical Modeling of Modified Atmosphere Packaging 11
Yachuan Zhang, Qiang Liu, and Curtis Rempel
Chapter 3. Respirations and Browning Discoloration of Fresh-Cut Produce in Modified Atmosphere Packaging 31
Hong Zhuang, M. Margaret Barth, and Xuetong Fan
Chapter 4. Fresh-Cut Produce Microbiology of Modified Atmosphere Packaging 57
Kenny Chuang
Chapter 5. Sensory and Sensory-Related Quality of Fresh-Cut Produce Under Modified Atmosphere Packaging 71
Hong Zhuang, Xuetong Fan, and M. Margaret Barth
Chapter 6. Phytochemical Changes of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables in Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Packaging 101
Jun Yang
Chapter 7. Active Modification of Atmosphere in Packages 141
Alan Campbell and Lynneric Potter
Part II Modified Atmosphere Packaging Materials and Machinery
Chapter 8. Polymeric Films Used for Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fresh-Cut Produce 149
Hong Zhuang
Chapter 9. Breatheway R Membrane Technology and Modified Atmosphere Packaging 185
Raymond Clarke
Chapter 10. Microperforated Films for Fresh Produce Packaging 209
Roger Gates
Chapter 11. Modified Atmosphere Packaging Machinery Selection and Specification 219
Chris van Wandelen
Chapter 12. Hygienic Design of Machinery 229
Chris van Wandelen
Part III Novel Packaging Technologies
Chapter 13. Nanostructure Packaging Technologies 241
Loong-Tak Lim
Chapter 14. Active Packaging for Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables 267
G. F. Mehyar and J. H. Han
Chapter 15. Packaging Sustainability for Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables 285
Claire Koelsch Sand
Index 293
Circa l’autore
Aaron L. Brody, Ph.D., is a consultant in food and food
technology, packaging and marketing. He teaches undergraduate and
graduate food packaging and food product development and marketing
courses at The University of Georgia and MBA strategic marketing
and product development courses at St. Joseph’s University. His
previous affiliations include General Foods; Raytheon Manufacturing
Co., where he helped develop the first microwave ovens; Whirlpool
Corporation, where he led the development of modified atmosphere;
Mars, Inc.; Mead Packaging, where he managed the Crosscheck aseptic
packaging system; and Container Corporation of America, where he
was Marketing Development Manager. Dr. Brody is author of hundreds
of articles and eight textbooks in food and food technology,
marketing and packaging. He is contributing editor for Food
Technology, and Technical and Marketing Information Editor for
Brand Packaging. Among his awards and honors are election to
the Packaging Hall of Fame; the Nicholas Appert award, Institute of
Food Technologists’ (IFT) highest award; IFT’s Industrial Scientist
award and Riester-Davis award for lifetime achievement in food
packaging; Institute of Packaging Professionals’ (IOPP) member of
the year and honorary life member.
Hong Zhuang, Ph.D., is a Research Food Technologist in
the Quality and Safety Assessment Research Unit, at South Atlantic
Area (SAA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS), USDA, Athens,
Georgia. Dr. Zhuang received his B.S. in Plant Physiology from the
Northwestern University in Xi’an, China, and M.S. in Plant
Physiology and Biochemistry and Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences
Multidisciplinary, respectively, from the University of Kentucky,
Lexington, KY. Dr. Zhuang had been working on research and
development as senior research scientist and director of R&D in
the fresh-cut industry for more than nine years before joining USDA
research recently, and has experience in new product development,
processing improvement, modified atmosphere packaging, retaining
fresh-cut shelf-life, and new technology identification, evaluation
and commercialization.
Jung H. Han, Ph.D., is Senior Project Engineer at the
World Wide Fruit and Vegetable Research Center, Frito-Lay Inc.,
Plano, TX. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Korea University,
Seoul, Korea, and his Ph.D. degree from Purdue University. Dr. Han
previously served as Associate Professor in the Department of Food
Science and the Department of Pharmaceutical Science at the
University of Manitoba, Canada. In the Food Science Department he
worked on an antimicrobial packaging program and a biodegradable
plastic program and taught Food Engineering Fundamentals, Food
Packaging, and Total Quality Management. He is also an Associate
Editor of the Journal of Food Science’s Food Engineering and
Physical Property sections. Dr. Han is an Editorial Board Member of
Food Research International and Chair of the Packaging Division of
the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology.
Additionally, he is a past Chair of Food Packaging Division of IFT.
Dr. Han has published two books – Innovations in Food
Packaging and Packaging for Nonthermal Processing of