Antanas ~ilinskas was born on January 5, 1946 in Lithuania. He graduated with a gold medal from 2nd Kaunas Gymnasium in 1963 and with a distinction diploma of Electrical Engineering from Kaunas University of Technology in 1968. His Ph. D. studies (aspirantur) at Lithuanian Academy of Sciences lasted from 1970 to 1973. The Candidate of Sciences (Ph. D. ) degree in Technical – bernetics (1973) has been received from Kaunas University of Technology. The Doctor of Mathematical Sciences degree (Habilitation, 1985) has been received from St. Petersburg (Leningrad) University. The title Senior Research Fellow (1980) has been conferred by the Presidium of Academy of Sciences, and the title Professor (1989) by Vilnius Pedagogical University. He has been awarded (with V. saltenis and G. Dzemyda) Lithuanian National Award for scientific achievements of 2001 for the research on ‘Efficient optimization methods and their applications’. A. ~ilinskas joined the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in 1973 starting with a position of junior research associate, worked as a senior – search associate reaching the highest rank of principal researcher which is his main position now. Apart from working in the research institute he was a lecturer at Vilnius Pedagogical University 1986-1988, where he founded a – partment of Informatics in 1988 and held a position of professor and head of this department 1988-1993. He worked later as a professor of this department until 2000.
Tabella dei contenuti
Advanced Models in Optimization Theory.- Multiobjective Programming Problems Under Generalized Convexity.- Towards Optimal Techniques for Solving Global Optimization Problems: Symmetry-Based Approach.- Interval Algorithms.- Non-linear Global Optimization Using Interval Arithmetic and Constraint Propagation.- Towards Optimal Compression of Meteorological Data: A Case Study of Using Interval-Motivated Overestimators in Global Optimization.- An Interval Partitioning Approach for Continuous Constrained Optimization.- A Survey of Methods for the Estimation Ranges of Functions Using Interval Arithmetic.- Deterministic Optimization Models and Algorithms.- Pseudo-Boolean Optimization in Case of an Unconnected Feasible Set.- Univariate Algorithms for Solving Global Optimization Problems with Multiextremal Non-differentiable Constraints.- Packing up to 200 Equal Circles in a Square.- Global Optimization of Network Length and Simulation of Film Evolution.- Stochastic Algorithms.- A Probabilistic Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm.- Nonadaptive Univariate Optimization for Observations with Noise.- Estimating the Minimal Value of a Function in Global Random Search: Comparison of Estimation Procedures.- Multi-particle Simulated Annealing.- Educational Aspects.- On the Goodness of Global Optimisation Algorithms, an Introduction into Investigating Algorithms.- Experimental Investigation of Distance Graduate Studies of the Open Source Environment by Models of Optimal Sequential Decisions and the Bayesian Approach.- Applications.- The Problem of Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Medical Data.- On Global Minimization in Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Applications.- A Two Step Hybrid Optimization Procedure for the Design of Optimal Water Distribution Networks.- Predictor-Based Self Tuning Control with Constraints.- A Template-Based Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Sequence Alignment Model.