Tamie Nakajima
College of Life and Health Sciences, Chubu University
Kasugai, Aichi, Japan
Keiko Nakamura
Department of Global Health Entrepreneurship, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,
Tokyo, Japan
Keiko Nohara
Health and Environmental Risk Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Akihiko Kondoh
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University
Chiba, Japan
1 Ebook di Akihiko Kondoh
Tamie Nakajima & Keiko Nakamura: Overcoming Environmental Risks to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
This thought-provoking book examines how the accumulated knowledge on past and present environmental issues and risks within Japan can be applied in order to help deliver the transformation to a sust …