With a foreword by Barbara W. White, Ph D, University of Texas at Austin
The definitive work on battered women is now in a timely third edition.
Considered the complete, in-depth guide to effective interventions for this pervasive social disease, Battered Women and Their Families has been updated to include new case studies, cultural perspectives, and assessment protocols. In an area of counseling that cannot receive enough attention, Dr. Robert’s work stands out as an essential treatment tool for all clinical social workers, nurses, physicians, and graduate students who work with battered women on a daily basis.
New chapters on same-sex violence, working with children in shelters, immigrant women affected by domestic violence, and elder mistreatment round out this unbiased, multicultural look at treatment programs for battered women.
Tabella dei contenuti
Foreword by Barbara B White, Ph D
Section I: Overview, Stages of Change, Crisis Intervention, and Time-Limited Treatment
Overview and New Directions for Intervening on Behalf of Battered Women, ALbert R. Roberts, Ph D Cognitive Problem-Solving Therapy and Stages of Change That Facilitate and Sustain Battered Women’s Leaving, Sondra Burman, Ph D National Survey on Empowerment Strategies, Crisis Intervention, and Cognitive Problem-Solving Therapy With Battered Women, Albert R. Roberts, Ph D, and Sondra Burman, Ph D Discovering Strengths and Competencies in Female Domestic Violence Victims: An Application of Roberts’s Continuum of the Duration and Severity of Woman Battering, Mo-Yee Lee, Ph D National Survey of 107 Shelters for Battered Women and Their Children, Albert R. Roberts, Ph D, Gina Robertiello, Ph D, and Kimberly Bender, MSW The Stress-Crisis Continuum: Its Application to Domestic Violence, Ann W. Burgess, DNSc, RN, CS, FAAN, Albert R. Roberts, Ph D, and Pamela V. Valentine, Ph D Community Response Models for Battered Women: From Crisis Intervention to Legal Advocacy and Court-Based Justice Centers, Karen S. Knox, Ph D, and Mary Jo Garcia Biggs, Ph D Section II: Children and Adolescents From Violence Homes
Complex Trauma and Crisis Intervention With Children in Shelters for Battered Women, Peter Lehmann, Ph D, and Emily Spence, Ph D Double Jeopardy: Risk Assessment in the Context of Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence, Aron Shlonsy, Ph D, and Colleen Friend, Ph D Intervention and Treatment Strategies With Adolescents From Maritally Violent Homes, Maura O’Keefe, Ph D, and Shirley Lebovics, LCSW Section III: Health Care and Mental Health Policies and Practices With Battered Women
Roles for Health Care Professionals in the United Kingdom and the United States in Addressing the Problem of Domestic Violence, June Keeling, BSc (Hons), RGN, RM, and Katherine S. van Wormer, Ph D, MSSW Battered Women in the Emergency Room: Emerging Roles for the Emergency Room Social Worker and Clinical Nurse Specialist, Mary E. Boes, Ph D Imminent Danger of Failing to Redefine Women Battering as Coercive Control: Contextualizing an Application of Roberts’s Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model and the Ecological Nested Model, Cynthia Wilcox Lischick, Ph D, DVS Conjoint Therapy for the Treatment of Partner Abuse: Indications and Contraindications, Janet A. Geller, Ed D, LCSW Domestic Violence Against Women With Mental Retardation, Leone Murphy, RN, MS, and Nancy J. Razza, Ph D Section IV: High-Risk Groups and Vulnerable Populations
Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse: An Integrated Approach, Katherine S. van Wormer, Ph D, MSSW Poverty, Women, Welfare, Work, and Domestic Violence, Diane L. Green, Ph D, and Patricia Brownell, Ph D Same-Sex Domestic Violence: Myths, Facts, Correlates, Treatment, and Prevention Strategies, Nicky Ali Jackson, Ph D Global Issues in Elder Abuse and Mistreatment: Policy, Research, and Practice, Patricia Brownell, Ph D Section V: Cross-Cultural Issues, Policies, and Practices With Battered Women
The Use of the Culturagram in Understanding Immigrant Women Affected by Domestic Violence, Elaine P. Congress, Ph D, DSW, and Patricia Brownell, Ph D Venezuelan-American Abusive Relationships: Assessment and Treatment, Diane L. Green, Ph D, and Mary W. Viani, MSW Chinese Battered Women in North America: Their Experiences and Treatment, Mo-Yee Lee, Ph D, and Patrick Au, DIP, PSW, CQSW Validating Coping Strategies and Empowering Latino Battered Women in Puerto Rico, Diana Valle Ferrer, Ph D, LCSW Author Index
Subject Index
Circa l’autore
Albert R. Roberts, Ph D, BCETS, DACFE, is Professor of Criminal Justice and Social Work, School of Arts and Sciences, Livingston College Campus at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in Piscataway. Dr. Roberts has over 21 years administrative experience as department chairperson, program director, project director, and director of social work field placements. He has over 250 publications to his credit including numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and 37 books.