Autore: Alexandre Ern

Daniele Antonio Di Pietro is Full Professor of Numerical Analysis at the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck at the University of Montpellier. He received his Ph.D. in Computational Fluid Mechanics from the University of Bergamo. His research fields include the development and analysis of advanced numerical methods for partial differential equations, with applications to fluid- and solid mechanics and porous media. He is author of one book and over 50 research papers in peer-reviewed journals. Alexandre Ern is a Senior Researcher at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (France) and at INRIA, and he holds a part-time Professor position in Numerical Analysis at Ecole Polytechnique (France). His contributions encompass mathematical modeling and numerical analysis in computational fluid and solid mechanics with applications in problems related to the environment and energy production. From 2006 to 2012, he has chaired the French National Research Program on Underground nuclear waste storage, and he has ongoing collaborations with several industrial partners. Alexandre Ern has authored three books and over 130 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and he has supervised about 20 PhD students working now in academia or industry. Luca Formaggia is Professor of Numerical Analysis at the Modelling and Scientific Computing Laboratory (MOX) of the Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano. His scientific work addresses the study of numerical methods for partial differential equations, scientific computing, computational fluid dynamics with applications to computational geosciences, biomedicine and industrial problems. He is the author of more than 90 articles and editor of several books. Currently he is the President of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics and was the Head of the MOX Laboratory from 2012 to 2016.

9 Ebook di Alexandre Ern

Daniele Antonio Di Pietro & Alexandre Ern: Numerical Methods for PDEs
This volume gathers contributions from participants of the Introductory School and the IHP thematic quarter on Numerical Methods for PDE, held in 2016 in Cargese (Corsica) and Paris, providing an opp …
Daniele Antonio Di Pietro & Alexandre Ern: Mathematical Aspects of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
This book introduces the basic ideas to build discontinuous Galerkin methods and, at the same time, incorporates several recent mathematical developments. The presentation is to a large extent self-c …
Deguan Wang & Christian Duquennoi: Mathematical Methods For Surface And Subsurface Hydrosystems
With the increasing awareness of the heavy burden placed on environmental resources and the need for industry and public institutions to cope with more stringent regulations, this timely book focuses …
Alexandre Ern & Jean-Luc Guermond: Theory and Practice of Finite Elements
The origins of the finite element method can be traced back to the 1950s when engineers started to solve numerically structural mechanics problems in aeronautics. Since then, the field of application …
Alexandre Ern & Vincent Giovangigli: Multicomponent Transport Algorithms
With the advent of sophisticated computer technology and the development of efficient computational algorithms, numerical modeling of complex multicomponent laminar reacting flows has emerged as an i …
Alexandre Ern & Jean-Luc Guermond: Finite Elements I
This book is the first volume of a three-part textbook suitable for graduate coursework, professional engineering and academic research. It is also appropriate for graduate flipped classes. Each volu …
Alexandre Ern & Jean-Luc Guermond: Finite Elements II
This book is the second volume of a three-part textbook suitable for graduate coursework, professional engineering and academic research. It is also appropriate for graduate flipped classes. Each vol …
Alexandre Ern & Jean-Luc Guermond: Finite Elements III
This book is the third volume of a three-part textbook suitable for graduate coursework, professional engineering and academic research. It is also appropriate for graduate flipped classes. Each volu …
Matteo Cicuttin & Alexandre Ern: Hybrid High-Order Methods
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of hybrid high-order methods for computational mechanics.  The first three chapters offer a gentle introduction to the method and its mathematical fo …