Dr Robert J. (Bob) Wright holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in mathematics from the University of Queensland (Australia) and a doctoral degree in mathematics education from the University of Georgia. He is an adjunct professor in mathematics education at Southern Cross University in New South Wales. Bob is an internationally recognized leader in assessment and instruction relating to children’s early arithmetical knowledge and strategies, publishing six books, and many articles and papers in this field. His work over the last 25 years has included the development of the Mathematics Recovery Program, which focuses on providing specialist training for teachers to advance the numeracy levels of young children assessed as low-attainers. In Australia and New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, the USA, Canada, Mexico, South Africa and elsewhere, this programme has been implemented widely, and applied extensively to classroom teaching and to average and able learners as well as low-attainers. Bob has conducted several research projects funded by the Australian Research Council including the most recent project focusing on assessment and intervention in the early arithmetical learning of low-attaining 8- to 10-year-olds.
7 Ebook di Anderson Norton
Amy J Hackenberg & Anderson Norton: Developing Fractions Knowledge
Supporting and understanding your students’ fractional knowledge is crucial to their overall grasp of numbers and mathematics. By centralizing around three key stages of development, this effective g …
Anderson Norton & Martha W. Alibali: Constructing Number
The book synergizes research on number across two disciplines—mathematics education and psychology. The underlying problem the book addresses is how the brain constructs number. The opening chapter f …
Amy J. Hackenberg & Anderson Norton: Developing Fractions Knowledge
Supporting and understanding your students’ fractional knowledge is crucial to their overall grasp of numbers and mathematics. By centralizing around three key stages of development, this effective g …
Pamela D Tabor & Dawn Dibley: Numeracy for All Learners
Numeracy for All Learners is a wide-ranging overview of how Math Recovery® theory, pedagogy, and tools can be applied meaningfully to special education to support learners with a wide range of educat …
Anderson Norton: Psychology of Mathematics
This book offers an innovative introduction to the psychological basis of mathematics and the nature of mathematical thinking and learning, using an approach that empowers students by fostering their …
Anderson Norton: Psychology of Mathematics
This book offers an innovative introduction to the psychological basis of mathematics and the nature of mathematical thinking and learning, using an approach that empowers students by fostering their …
Paul Christian Dawkins & Amy J. Hackenberg: Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology for Mathematics Education Research
The book provides an entry point for graduate students and other scholars interested in using the constructs of Piaget’s genetic epistemology in mathematics education research. Constructs comprising …