Autore: Andrew Scobell

Andrew J. Nathan is Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science at Columbia University. His books include Chinese Democracy; The Great Wall and the Empty Fortress; The Tiananmen Papers; China”s New Rulers: The Secret Files; and How East Asians View Democracy.Andrew Scobell is senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation. He is the author of China”s Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March and the editor of more than a dozen books on the Chinese military and Asian security.

13 Ebook di Andrew Scobell

Andrew J. Nathan & Andrew Scobell: China’s Search for Security
Despite its impressive size and population, economic vitality, and drive to upgrade its military, China remains a vulnerable nation surrounded by powerful rivals and potential foes. Understanding Chi …
Phillip C. Saunders & Andrew Scobell: PLA Influence on China’s National Security Policymaking
In recent years there have been reports of actions purportedly taken by People’s Liberation Army (PLA) units without civilian authorization, and of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) civilian leaders seek …
Sumit Ganguly & Andrew Scobell: US-Indian Strategic Cooperation into the 21st Century
In this edited book, leading scholars and analysts trace the origins, evolution and the current state of Indo-US strategic cooperation. During the Cold War, owing to opposing grand strategies, the tw …
Sumit (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) Ganguly & Andrew Scobell: US-Indian Strategic Cooperation into the 21st Century
In this edited book, leading scholars and analysts trace the origins, evolution and the current state of Indo-US strategic cooperation. During the Cold War, owing to opposing grand strategies, the tw …
Sumit (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA) Ganguly & Andrew Scobell: US-Indian Strategic Cooperation into the 21st Century
In this edited book, leading scholars and analysts trace the origins, evolution and the current state of Indo-US strategic cooperation. During the Cold War, owing to opposing grand strategies, the tw …
Sumit Ganguly & Joseph Chinyong Liow: Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies provides a detailed exploration of security dynamics in the three distinct subregions that comprise Asia, and also bridges the study of these regions …
Sumit Ganguly & Joseph Chinyong Liow: Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies provides a detailed exploration of security dynamics in the three distinct subregions that comprise Asia, and also bridges the study of these regions …
Strategic Studies Institute & U.S. Congress: THE TRUE FORCE OF NORTH KOREA: Military, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Ballistic Missiles, Including Reaction of the U.S. Government to the Korean Military Threat
North Korea is a country of paradoxes and contradictions. Although it remains an economic basket case that cannot feed and clothe its own people, it nevertheless possesses one of the world’s largest …
Strategic Studies Institute U.S. Congress & Andrew Scobell: People’s Army: The Military Power of North Korea
North Korea is a country of paradoxes and contradictions. Although it remains an economic basket case that cannot feed and clothe its own people, it nevertheless possesses one of the world’s largest …
Strategic Studies Institute U.S. Congress & Andrew Scobell: The True Military Power of North Korea
In ‘The True Military Power of North Korea’, readers are presented with a nuanced exploration of North Korea’s military capabilities, strategically curated to cover a broad spectrum of viewpoints and …
T.V. Paul: China-India Rivalry in the Globalization Era
As the aspirations of the two rising Asian powers collide, the China-India rivalry is likely to shape twenty-first-century international politics in the region and far beyond.This volume by T.V. Paul …
Paul J. Bolt & James M. Smith: China’s Strategic Arsenal
This volume brings together an international group of distinguished scholars to provide a fresh assessment of China’s strategic military capabilities, doctrines, and its political perceptions in ligh …