Autore: Angels

Rekha Vidyarthi was born in India but came to Canada in 1972 from East Africa. She is an esthetician by profession. For the past 15 years, she has been deeply involved with spirituality and has been searching for her life”s purpose and the meaning of her childhood experiences with God and the angels. In 1994, angels reappeared in her life and gave her the answers through their teachings in philosophy and spiritual wisdom. She was asked to record these teachings in a book on their behalf because this was an uncompleted task from a past life. Rekha is married, has two children, and currently lives in Ottawa.

2 Ebook di Angels

Angels & Rekha Vidyarthi: Emotional Healing with Angels
Emotional Healing with the Angels is an inspired, spiritual guide to healing and ‘Self’ realization. Dictated by angels to Rekha Vidyarthi, a life-long seeker of spiritual truth, this simple, …
Angels & Francisco: Sharing Economy and the Impact of Collaborative Consumption
The introduction of new technology and technological services worldwide has ushered in a new wave of peer-to-peer and access-driven companies that are disrupting the most established business …