the days were dark dismay and filled with fear with every move all twenty or more, before finding happiness only to have it pulled away. And then discover that at the age of fifteen your have a serious mental health problem that leads not to care but brutalinstitutionalization and stability .strangebedfellowsbut true. this is the true story of one survivor and her recovery. read on and it will open your eyes to the ‘CARE SYSTEM’.
Circa l’autore
As a child I was very badly abused within the social work care system. This included repeated beatings, mental and sexual abuse. As a teenager I was introduced into the psychiatric system where further beatings took place in the name of restraint. Bullied and mental abuse was inherent to the system. All of this ultimately led me to have the diagnosis of Schizoaffective disorder, a severe mental health problem. This is my story of survival.