Anthony Larkum is Emeritus Professor and Deputy Director of the Centre for Biological Informatics and Technology at the University of Sudney, Australia. Over the past 45 years his research has centred on photosynthesis and marine biology, especially of algae and seagrasses. He is the author of six books, including “Seagrass Biology: An Australasian Perspective” (Elsevier 1989) and “Photosynthesis of Algae” (Kluwer, 2003) and has published over 170 research papers. He is the recipient of many international awards and is on the editorial board of Trends in Plant Science
Robert J. Orth is a Professor of Marine Science in the School of Marine Science and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at the College of William Mary, Gloucester Pt., Virginia. His research over the past 35 years has addressed aspects of faunal interactions within seagrass meadows, seed ecology, restoration, and factors influencing the distribution and abundance of meadows in Chesapeake Bay. His work has been closely tied to seagrass management in this region. He has published more than 100 research papers, and co-authored several special issues of scientific journals dealing with seagrasses and one book (Changes in Fluxes in Estuaries). He is past president of the Estuarine Research Federation.
Carlos M. Duarte is a research professor with the Spanish Council for Scientific Research at IMEDEA (Esporles, Majorca, Spain). His research addresses all aspects of seagrass biology and ecology, emphasising seagrass demography, colonisation and recovery processes and their role in the ecosystem. He has authored more than 250 papers in international journals and an introductory book on Seagrass Ecology, is co-editor in chief of the journal “Estuaries and Coasts” and has received several international awards.
7 Ebook di Anthony W. D. Larkum
Anthony W. D. Larkum & Robert J. Orth: Seagrasses: Biology, Ecology and Conservation
Seagrasses are unique plants; the only group of flowering plants to recolonise the sea. They occur on every continental margin, except Antarctica, and form ecosystems which have important roles in fi …
Anthony W. D. Larkum: A Natural Calling
From 1965–1968, I held an Agricultural Research Council Research Fellowship at Christ’s College, Cambridge. Later in 1981, when I was a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry, University o …
Anthony W. D. Larkum & Gary A. Kendrick: Seagrasses of Australia
This book takes the place of “Biology of Seagrasses: A Treatise on the Biology of Seagrasses with Special Reference to the Australian Region”, co-edited by A.W.D. Larkum, A.J. Ma CComb and S.A. Sheph …
Gernot Renger: Primary Processes of Photosynthesis, Part 2
This volume forms part of a two-volume set and is not available for individual purchase. Please view the complete pack (ISBN: 978-0-85404-364-4) for purchase options. …
Thomas J Wydrzynski & Warwick Hillier: Molecular Solar Fuels
World demand for energy is rapidly increasing and finding sufficient supplies of clean energy for the future is one of the major scientific challenges of today. This book presents the latest knowledg …
Anthony W.D. Larkum & Arthur R. Grossman: Photosynthesis in Algae: Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms
Algae, including cyanobacteria, are in the spotlight today for a number of reasons; firstly it has become abundantly clear over recent years that algae have been neglected in terms of basic research …