Heikki Solin, University of Helsinki; Antonio Varone, Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Peter Kruschwitz, University of Vienna.
2 Ebook di Antonio Varone
Heikki Solin & Antonio Varone: CIL IV Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Suppl. pars 4. Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae. Fasc. 2
The second fascicle of the supplement to CIL IV contains extensive addenda and corrigenda on the graffiti and painted writing on the walls of the buildings in the ancient Vesuvius cities, some of whi …
Antonio Varone: CIL IV Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Suppl. pars 4. Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Fasc. 3
This volume presents the wall inscriptions carved in Latin and Greek from the Vesuvian towns of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae, and includes an extensive epigraphic, philological, linguistic, and …