Autore: Appian

Appian (95-165) was a Greek historian. Born in Alexandria to a wealthy family with Roman citizenship, Appian went to Rome in 120 to practice as an advocate, pleading cases for the imperial treasury before emperors Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and possibly Marcus Aurelius. Toward the end of his life, he began working on The Roman History, a 24-book study of Rome from the reign of the Gracchi brothers onward. Books 13-17, known as The Civil Wars, are an invaluable record of the internal conflicts that brought an end to the Roman Republic. In 147, Appian was appointed to the office of procurator in Egypt, and he held the position until his death in 165. Remembered today for his pioneering approach to military and political history, Appian is a vital figure whose life coincided with the height of the Roman Empire’s power and territorial expansion.

8 Ebook di Appian

Appian: The Roman History (Volume I: The Foreign Wars)
A Roman historian of Greek descent, Appian was born in Alexandria (c. 95), received a formal education and later moved to Rome to serve as a barrister (c. 120). He was eventually presented with the t …
Appian: The Civil Wars
A Roman historian of Greek origin, Appian began writing his ‘Roman History’ during the second century AD. Of the original twenty-four books only sections from half of these remain. Most importantly a …
Appian: Civil Wars
Taken from Appian’s Roman History, the five books collected here form the sole surviving continuous historical narrative of the era between 133-35 BC – a time of anarchy and instability for the Roman …
Appian: The Civil Wars
The Civil Wars (c. 150) is a work of political and military history by Appian. Written toward the end of his career as a leading advocate in Rome, The Civil Wars is comprised of books 13-17 of The Ro …
Appian: The Complete Works of Appian. Illustrated
 Appian of Alexandria was a Greek historian with Roman citizenship who flourished during the reigns of Emperors of Rome Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius. His principal surviving work is Roman Hist …
Appian: Roman History. Illustrated
Appian of Alexandria was a Greek historian with Roman citizenship who flourished during the reigns of Emperors of Rome Trajan, Hadrian, and Antoninus Pius. His principal surviving work  known in Lati …
Appian: The Civil Wars. Illustrated
The Civil Wars, books 13–17 of the Roman History, concern mainly the end of the Roman Republic and take a conflict-based view and approach to history. Despite the lack of cited sources for his works, …
Tacitus & Appian: History of Rome. Classic Collection. Illustrated
This collection includes classic works on the history of Rome from its foundation to the collapse of the empire into Western and Eastern: Julius Caesar: The Gallic Wars The Civil War Tacitus: The His …