In this second edition of his bestselling book, author Art Kleiner explores the nature of effective leadership in times of change and defines its importance to the corporation of the future. He describes a heretic as a visionary who creates change in large-scale companies, balancing the contrary truths they can’t deny against their loyalty to their organizations. The Age of Heretics reveals how managers can get stuck in counterproductive ways of doing things and shows why it takes a heretical point of view to get past the deadlock and move forward.
Tabella dei contenuti
Foreword by Warren Bennis.
Preface by Steven Wheeler and Walter Mc Farland.
To the Reader.
1. Monastics: Corporate Culture and Its Discontents, 1945 to
2. Pelagians: National Training Laboratories,
3. Reformists: Workplace Redesign at Procter & Gamble and
the Gaines Dog Food Plant in Topeka, 1961-1973.
4. Protesters: Saul Alinsky, FIGHTON, Campaign GM, and the
Shareholder Activism Movement, 1964-1971.
5. Mystics: Royal Dutch/Shell’s Scenario Planners,
6. Lovers of Faith and Reason: Heretical Engineers at Stanford
Research Institute and MIT, 1955-1971.
7. Parzival’s Dilemma: Edie Seashore, Chris Argyris, and
Warren Bennis, 1959-1979.
8. Millenarians: Erewhon, the SRI Futures Group, Herman Kahn,
Royal Dutch/Shell, and Amory Lovins, 1968-1979.
9. The Rapids: Hayes and Abernathy, Tom Peters, W. Edwards
Deming, the Creators of GE Work-Out, and Other Synthesizers of
Management Change, 1974-1982.
About the Author.
Circa l’autore
ART KLEINER is the editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazine strategy+business ( He is the author or coauthor of several acclaimed business books, and is a faculty member at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. His articles have been published in a variety of places, including Wired, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and The New York Times Magazine.