Ashwani Kumar & Arbind Prasad 
Sustainable Mobility [EPUB ebook] 
Policies, Challenges and Advancements


This book is essential for anyone interested in understanding and implementing sustainable transportation practices, as it provides comprehensive insights into the challenges, advancements, and policies related to sustainable mobility.

Sustainable transportation refers to any means of transportation that is “green” and has a low impact on the environment. The goal of sustainable transportation is to balance our current and future needs. As per the United Nations Brundtland Commission (WCED, 1987), sustainable mobility can be defined as “mobility that satisfies the needs of present generations without compromising future generations”, but in the modern era, we are compromising the needs of the next generation in terms of pollution, depletion of fossil fuels, global warming, poor air quality, and hazardous gases. The three main pillars of sustainability, economics, environment, and social issues, are crushed by modern development, so there is a need to shift from traditional means of transportation to sustainable transportation.

Under the vision of sustainable mobility, better infrastructure and services will be provided to support the movement of goods and people. This outcome will be achieved only if four goals are pursued simultaneously: developing the right policy, building awareness, developing intelligent transportation, and creating green vehicles. Sustainable Mobility: Policies, Challenges and Advancements will discuss transitions from conventional to sustainable mobility, infrastructure development challenges in this transition period, new vehicle policies, and the latest autonomous vehicles for intelligent transportation. The main highlights of the book are energy efficient technologies for transportation, accessibility and safety of the transport system, environmental footprint, health impacts, economic development, and social growth. Sustainable mobility is essential to economic and social development.

The environmental impacts of transport can be reduced by reducing the weight of vehicles, creating sustainable styles of driving, reducing the friction of tires, encouraging electric and hybrid vehicles, improving the walking and cycling environment in cities, and enhancing the role of public transport, especially electric vehicles. Going green and sustainable is not only beneficial for the company, but it also maximizes the benefits of an environmental focus in the long term.

Modalità di pagamento

Tabella dei contenuti

Aim and Scope xv

Preface xvii

Acknowledgement xxi

1 Sustainable Mobility: Clean Energy Integration with Electric Vehicle Technology 1
Pranjal Barman, Lachit Dutta, Sushanta Bordoloi, Manash Pratim Sarma, Anamika Kalita, Swapna Bharali and Brian Azzopardi

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Transportation and Carbon Emission 3

1.3 Transportation Electrification 4

1.4 Electric Vehicle Integration with Renewable Sources 9

1.5 Solar Energy 12

1.6 Wind Energy 13

1.7 Integration with the Grid 15

1.8 State-of-the-Art Methods 17

1.9 Opportunities and Challenges 22

1.10 Conclusion 22

Acknowledgement 23

References 23

2 Sustainable Mobility Policies in Developed and Developing Countries 29
Reetu Gour and Nikki Baliyan

2.1 Introduction 29

2.2 Pollution by Air and Effect of Greenhouse Gases 31

2.3 Promotion of Cycling and Walking 32

2.4 Sustainable Trade and Global Governance 34

2.4.1 Socioeconomic Impacts 35

2.4.2 Technology Aspects 36

2.4.3 Role of Smart Connectivity in Sustainable Mobility 36

2.5 Discussion 37

2.6 Conclusion 38

References 39

3 Transitions from IC Engine to EV and HEV: Current Status of EV in India 45
Puneet Kumar and Apurva Goyal

3.1 Introduction 46

3.2 Changing Electric Vehicles Trend 47

3.3 Case Study: Maruti Suzuki and EV Market 49

3.4 Numerous Downsides to Electric Cars 50

3.4.1 Ultra Expensive 50

3.4.2 Transport Not a Considerable Contributor to Emissions 51

3.4.3 Batteries as the Major Emitter 52

3.4.4 Need of Societal Change 52

3.5 Zero Emissions is a Myth 52

3.6 Prolonged Charging Time 52

3.7 Carbon Footprints 53

3.8 Degrading Battery Performance from Fast Charging 53

3.9 Underdeveloped Charging Infrastructure 54

3.10 Impractical for Inner-City Inhabitants and Lack of Resale Value 54

3.11 Reasons Behind Slow Adoption of Electric Vehicles in India 56

3.12 Conclusion 57

References 57

4 Alternative Source Systems of In-Vehicle Electricity Production 61
Dinesh Kumar Patel, Sachin Kumar, Vipin Kumar Sharma, Hari Om Sharma and Arbind Prasad

4.1 Introduction 62

4.2 Electric Vehicles (EVs) 63

4.3 Passenger Electric Vehicle 64

4.3.1 Plug-In Battery Electric Vehicle (PBEV) 65

4.3.2 Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) 65

4.3.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) 65

4.3.4 Commercial Electric Vehicle 66 Plug-In Battery Electric Vehicles 66 Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles 67 Hydraulic Hybrid Electric Vehicle 68

4.4 Integration of Different Renewable Energy Resources with Power System of In-Vehicle Electricity Production 68

4.4.1 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) 68

4.4.2 Electric Vehicle Integration with Wind Energy 68

4.4.3 Electric Vehicle Integration with Solar Energy 69

4.4.4 Distribution Grid Management with Electrical Network 70

4.5 Factors Affecting Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles 71

4.6 Conclusion on Market Penetration of Alternative Fuel Vehicles 71

References 72

5 Autonomous Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Reinforcement Learning 79
Payal Bansal, Jyotsna Joshi, Surender Hans and Ashwani Kumar

5.1 Introduction 80

5.2 Literature Review 80

5.3 Technology Used 81

5.3.1 System Architecture Overview 81

5.3.2 Reinforcement Learning and Control 82

5.3.3 Elements of Reinforcement Learning 83

5.4 Markov Decision Process (MDP) 83

5.4.1 Value Function and Action-Value Function 84

5.4.2 Q-Learning Algorithm 85

5.4.3 SARSA Algorithm 88

5.4.4 Robot Operating System (ROS) 89

5.5 Implementation: Flow of the Project Flow 90

5.6 Controller Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 92

5.6.1 Controller Design 93

5.6.2 Training Procedure of UAV 94

5.7 Results and Discussion 95

5.7.1 Experimental Results 96

5.8 Conclusion and Future Scope 98

References 99

6 Io T-Based Automatic Vehicle Accident & Rash Driving Alert System 105
Payal Bansal

6.1 Introduction 106

6.2 Problem and Necessity 107

6.3 Need for the System 108

6.3.1 Io T Architecture 108

6.3.2 Sonar Sensor 111

6.3.3 Data Processing and Analysis 113

6.4 User Interface and Reporting 115

6.4.1 Results and Impact 116

6.4.2 Challenges and Limitations 117

6.4.3 Future Enhancements 119

6.4.4 Architectural Design of the Work 120

6.6 Implementation: Tools for Controlling & Processing 123

6.7 Hardware Setup 124

6.7.1 Result 126

6.7.2 Conclusion 128

6.8 Applications 128

Bibliography 129

7 Mobile Edge Communication, Computing and Caching (MEC3) in Vehicle Communication 131
Payal Bansal

7.1 Introduction to MEC3 in Vehicle Communication 132

7.2 What is Mobile EDGE? 132

7.2.1 Advantages of Mobile EDGE Computing 133

7.3 Mobile Edge Communication (MEC) 133

7.3.1 How We Can Use MEC 134

7.3.2 Opportunities in Mobile Edge Computing 135

7.3.3 Challenges of Mobile Edge Computing 136

7.3.4 Mobile Edge Computing Uses 136

7.3.5 Multi-Access vs. Mobile Edge Computing 137

7.3.6 Mobile Edge Computing Importance 138

7.4 Mobile Edge Caching 139

7.4.1 The Architecture of Mobile Edge Caching 139

7.5 Technology Description 141

7.5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of MEC 3 143

7.6 Applications of MEC 3 144

7.7 Conclusion 145

Bibliography 145

8 Io T-Based Automatic Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System 149
Priyanshu Gupta, Parth Tripathi, Pallavie Tyagi and Sanjay Kumar Singh

8.1 Introduction 150

8.2 Literature Review 151

8.3 Methodology 152

8.4 Programming Code 154

8.5 Results and Discussion 156

8.6 Conclusion and Future Scope 157

Bibliography 157

9 Interfacing of GPS and GSM with the Help of Node MCU for Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking 159
Sandesh Singh, Ajay Suri, Vaibhav Patel, Ujjwal Shukla and Harshita Sisodia

9.1 Introduction 160

9.2 Problem Statement 161

9.3 Literature Review 162

9.4 Monitoring and Tracking of Vehicles 163

9.5 Result and Discussion 168

9.6 Conclusion 168

References 171

10 A Comprehensive Analysis of Cell Balancing in BMS for Electric Vehicle 173
Rahul Sarker, Subir Datta, Ksh. Robert Singh and Apurba Kr. Das

10.1 Introduction 174

10.2 Cell Balancing Methods 175

10.2.1 Passive Cell Balancing 175 Proposed Block Diagram of Passive Cell Balancing 176

10.2.2 Active Cell Balancing 178

10.3 Proposed Topology 181

10.3.1 Working Modes for Two Cells 182

10.3.2 Algorithm for Two Cells Balancing 183 Block Diagram of Proposed Active Cell Balancing for Two Cell 184

10.3.3 SOC-Voltage-Based Inductive Buck Boost Active Cell Balancing 185

10.4 Conclusion 190

References 190

11 Analyzing and Testing of Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles 193
Shrey Agrawal, Raghav Gupta and Manoj Sindhwani

11.1 Introduction 194

11.2 Battery Management System 195

11.2.1 Classification 196

11.2.2 Challenges of Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles 199

11.3 System Setup 199

11.3.1 Block Diagram 199

11.3.2 Components 199

11.3.3 System Methodology 201

11.4 Simulations 202

11.4.1 Efficiency and Continuous Torque Capability 202

11.4.2 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 202

11.4.3 Output Graphs 203

11.5 Conclusion 205

References 206

12 Cyberattacks, Threats and Challenges of Cybersecurity: An Outline 207
Tanishq Soni, Deepali Gupta, Ramneet Kaur, Avinash Sharma and Gifty Gupta

12.1 Introduction 208

12.2 Background Work 209

12.3 Security Properties and CIA Triad 212

12.3.1 Confidentiality 212

12.3.2 Integrity 212

12.3.3 Availability 213

12.4 Types of Cyber Threats 213

12.4.1 Cybercrime 213

12.4.2 Cyber Terrorism 213

12.4.3 Cyber Warfare 214

12.5 Types of Cyberattacks 214

12.5.1 Denial of Service 214

12.5.2 Trojan Horse 214

12.5.3 Malware 215

12.5.4 SQL Injection Attack 215

12.5.5 Man-in-the-Middle 216

12.5.6 Reconnaissance Attack 216

12.6 Challenges in Cybersecurity 216

12.6.1 Cybersecurity Challenges in Education 216

12.6.2 Cybersecurity Challenges in Smart Grid 216

12.6.3 Cybersecurity Challenges in Io T and Cloud Computing 217

12.6.4 Cybersecurity Challenges in Connected Home Ecosystem 217

12.7 Bibliometric Analysis and Discussion 217

12.8 Conclusion 220

References 220

13 Opportunities and Challenges of Data-Driven Cybersecurity for Smart Cities: Blockchain-Driven Approach 223
Tanishq Soni, Ramneet Kaur, Deepali Gupta, Avinash Sharma and Gifty Gupta

13.1 Introduction 224

13.2 Background Work 227

13.3 Attacks on the Layers of Io T-Enabled Smart City 229

13.4 Issues and Challenges in Smart Cities 231

13.5 Blockchain and its Types 232

13.6 Smart City Issues with Blockchain 233

13.7 Conclusion 234

References 235

14 On Renewable Energy Source Selection Problem Using T-Spherical Fuzzy Soft Dombi Aggregation Operators 237
Mohit Pal, Himanshu Dhumras, Gaurav Garg and Varun Shukla

14.1 Introduction 238

14.2 Preliminaries 240

14.3 T-Spherical Fuzzy Soft Dombi Aggregation Operators 241

14.4 Application of T-Spherical Fuzzy Soft Dombi Aggregation Operators in Renewable Energy Source Selection 246

14.5 Conclusion and Scope for Future Work 251

References 251

15 Detection of Weather with Hypothesis Testing Performed Through VGG19 Model Utilizing Adam Optimizer 255
Kanwarpartap Singh Gill, Avinash Sharma, Vatsala Anand and Rupesh Gupta

15.1 Introduction 256

15.2 Literature 258

15.3 Input Dataset 261

15.4 Data Validation 262

15.5 Weather Classification Using VGG19 Model 263

15.6 Results 264

15.6.1 Weather Classification Using VGG19 Model on Adam Optimizer 264

15.6.2 Classification Output of Dataset Parameters After Model Optimization 265

15.6.3 Confusion Matrix Comparison of Dataset Parameters 266

15.7 Conclusion 267

References 268

16 Enhanced Ride-Through Capability of a Hybrid Microgrid Under Symmetric and Asymmetric Faults 271
Asis Kumar Mallick, Ullash Kumar Rout, Ajit Kumar Barisal and P. K. Satpathy

16.1 Introduction 272

16.2 Design of the Hybrid Microgrid 272

16.2.1 AC Bus Faults – LG, LL, LLG, LLLG, LLL 273

16.2.2 dc Bus Faults: Pole to Ground, Pole to Ground and Pole to Pole Fault 273

16.3 HMG Inverter Control 274

16.3.1 Problem Formulation 274

16.4 Grid-Tied Inverter Control 277

16.5 Fault Analysis 278

16.5.1 LG Fault (A-G) 280

16.6 LLG Fault (A-B-G) 282

16.7 LL Fault (A-B) 283

16.8 LLL and LLLG Faults 284

16.9 dc Bus Fault 287

16.10 Conclusion 288

Acknowledgements 288

References 288

About the Editors 291

Index 293

Circa l’autore

Ashwani Kumar, Ph D, is a senior lecturer teaching Mechanical Engineering in the Technical Education Department, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has 12 years of research and academic experience in mechanical and materials engineering. Additionally, he has published 90 research articles in various journals, book chapters, and conferences and has authored, co-authored, or edited 16 books. He has participated as an invited speaker and served on the advisory and review boards for various international conferences, webinars, and workshops.
Arbind Prasad, Ph D, is an assistant professor and department head in the Department of Science and Technology, Katihar Engineering College, Katihar, Bihar, India. He has filed four patents, as well as written ten international journal papers and edited four books, 11 book chapters, and 15 reputed conference papers. He has been invited to deliver talks at various organizations of repute and coordinated various faculty development programs, short term courses, symposiums, national seminars, workshops, and completed research projects sponsored by various government organizations in India.
Gaurav Kumar, Ph D, is an assistant professor and department head in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhagalpur, India. His current research interests include electric vehicles, rotor dynamics, and vibration analysis of electrical machines, particularly active magnetic bearings, induction machines, and switched reluctance motors. He has filed three Indian patents and published eight peer-reviewed journals and nine conference articles.

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Lingua Inglese ● Formato EPUB ● Pagine 461 ● ISBN 9781394166817 ● Dimensione 29.2 MB ● Editore Ashwani Kumar & Arbind Prasad ● Casa editrice Wiley-Scrivener ● Paese US ● Pubblicato 2024 ● Edizione 1 ● Scaricabile 24 mesi ● Moneta EUR ● ID 10020050 ● Protezione dalla copia Adobe DRM
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