Autore: Benedikt Schmid

Benedikt Schmid (Ph D), born in 1988, is postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Geography of Global Change at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. In his research, he investigates the institutionalization of practices and organizational forms with socio-ecological objectives, with a particular focus on transformation processes towards sustainable and growth-independent economic forms.

4 Ebook di Benedikt Schmid

Benedikt Schmid: Making Transformative Geographies
In the light of social and environmental unsustainability and injustice, the continuing attachment to the idea that a growth-based economy is reconcilable with human prosperity and ecological limits …
Bastian Lange & Martina Hülz: Postwachstumsgeographien
Der Band »Postwachstumsgeographien« untersucht die Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien im Spannungsfeld von wachstumsorientierten Institutionen und multiplen sozialökologischen Krisen. Die …
Bastian Lange & Martina Hülz: Post-Growth Geographies
Post-Growth Geographies examines the spatial relations of diverse and alternative economies between growth-oriented institutions and multiple socio-ecological crises. The book brings together …
Bastian Lange & Martina Hülz: Wohlstandsalternativen
Auf der Suche nach Bewältigungsstrategien für globale Krisen braucht es Alternativen zu den vorherrschenden Wohlstandsmodellen. Wie kann ein gutes, gelingendes und gesundes Leben innerhalb der …