Prof. Dr. Bert Hoffmann, Investigador principal en el German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburgo, y profesor de Ciencia Política en la Freie Universität de Berlín
5 Ebook di Bert Hoffmann
Bert Hoffmann: Politics of the Internet in Third World Development
This book examines the political and developmental implications of the new information and communication technologies (NICT) in the developing world. Whereas the concept of the digital divide tends t …
Bert Hoffmann: The Politics of the Internet in Third World Development
This book examines the political and developmental implications of the new information and communication technologies (NICT) in the Third World. Whereas the concept of the ‘digital divide’ tends to f …
Bert Hoffmann: The Politics of the Internet in Third World Development
This book examines the political and developmental implications of the new information and communication technologies (NICT) in the Third World. Whereas the concept of the ‘digital divide’ tends to f …
Bert Hoffmann: Políticas sociales y reforma institucional en la Cuba pos-COVID
La crisis económica a raíz de la pandemia de COVID está poniendo a prueba el socialismo cubano. El gobierno de La Habana ha puesto en la agenda una reforma de la economía, la estructura institucional …
Bert Hoffmann: Social Policies and Institutional Reform in Post-COVID Cuba
Die tiefe Wirtschaftskrise in Folge der Corona-Pandemie stellt Kubas Sozialismus vor eine ungeahnte Belastungsprobe. Die Regierung in Havanna hat eine grundlegende Reform von Wirtschaft, Institutione …