This book provides the first systematic overview of German sociology today. Thirty-four chapters review current trends, relate them to international discussions and discuss perspectives for future research. The contributions span the whole range of sociological research topics, from social inequality to the sociology of body and space, addressing pressing questions in sociological theory and innovative research methods.
Culture / Uta Karstein and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr
Demography and Aging / François Höpflinger
Economic Sociology / Andrea Maurer
Education and Socialization / Matthias Grundmann
Environment / Anita Engels
Europe / Monika Eigmüller
Family and Intimate Relationships / Dirk Konietzka, Michael Feldhaus, Michaela Kreyenfeld, and Heike Trappe
(Felt) Body. Sports, Medicine, and Media / Robert Gugutzer and Claudia Peter
Gender / Paula-Irene Villa and Sabine Hark
Globalization and Transnationalization / Anja Weiß
Global South / Eva Gerharz and Gilberto Rescher
History of Sociology / Stephan Moebius
Life Course / Johannes Huinink and Betina Hollstein
Media and Communication / Andreas Hepp
Microsociology / Rainer Schützeichel
Migration / Ludger Pries
Mixed-Methods and Multimethod Research / Felix Knappertsbusch, Bettina Langfeldt, and Udo Kelle
Organization / Raimund Hasse
Political Sociology / Jörn Lamla
Qualitative Methods / Betina Hollstein and Nils C. Kumkar
Quantitative Methods / Alice Barth and Jörg Blasius
Religion / Matthias Koenig
Science and Higher Education / Anna Kosmützky and Georg Krücken
Social Inequalities―Empirical Focus / Gunnar Otte, Mara Boehle, and Katharina Kunißen
Social Inequalities―Theoretical Focus / Thomas Schwinn
Social Movements / Thomas Kern
Social Networks / Roger Häußling
Social Policy / Birgit Pfau-Effinger and Christopher Grages
Social Problems / Günter Albrecht
Social Theory / Wolfgang Ludwig Schneider
Society / Uwe Schimank
Space. Urban, Rural, Territorial / Martina Löw
Technology and Innovation / Werner Rammert
Work and Labor / Brigitte Aulenbacher and Johanna Grubner
List of Contributors
Circa l’autore
Betina Hollstein; Rainer Greshoff; Uwe Schimank, University of Bremen; Anja Weiß, University of Duisburg-Essen