Betra Ruck (1878-1978) was a British romance novelist. Born in Punjab, British India, she was raised in a family of eight children. After moving with her parents to Bangor, Wales, Ruck completed her education and embarked on a career as a professional writer. She began submitting stories to magazines in 1905, publishing her first novel, His Official Fiancée, in 1914. Adapted twice for the cinema, her debut began her run as a bestselling romance writer, spanning nearly 60 years and dozens of novels. In 1909, she married fellow writer Oliver Onions, with whom she had two sons. Ruck published her final work in 1972 and lived to the age of 100.
3 Ebook di Betra Ruck
Betra Ruck: His Official Fiancee
His Official Fiancée (1914) is a romance novel by Berta Ruck. After a decade of publishing stories in literary magazines, Ruck released her first novel to popular acclaim. Adapted for a 1919 silent c …
Betra Ruck: Miss Million’s Maid
Miss Million’s Maid (1913) is a romance novel by Berta Ruck. After a decade of publishing stories in literary magazines, Ruck began releasing romance novels to popular acclaim. Miss Million’s Maid is …
Betra Ruck: The Disturbing Charm
The Disturbing Charm (1919) is a romance novel by Berta Ruck. After a decade of publishing stories in literary magazines, Ruck began releasing romance novels to popular acclaim. The Disturbing Charm …