Medicare’s Quality Improvement Organization Program is the second book inthe new Pathways to Quality Health Care series. Focusing on performanceimprovement, it considers the history, role, and effectiveness of the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) program and its potential to promotequality improvement within a changing health care delivery environmentthat includes standardized performance measures and new data collectionand reporting requirements. This book carefully examine...
Medicare’s Quality Improvement Organization Program is the second book inthe new Pathways to Quality Health Care series. Focusing on performanceimprovement, it considers the history, role, and effectiveness of the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) program and its potential to promotequality improvement within a changing health care delivery environmentthat includes standardized performance measures and new data collectionand reporting requirements. This book carefully examines the QIOs thatserve every state as well as the national program that guides and supportsthem. In addition, it highlights the important roles that a national programwith private organizations in each state can play in promoting higher qualitycare. Medicare’s Quality Improvement Organization Program looks closelyat the technical assistance role of the QIO program and the need toencourage and support providers to improve their performance. By providingan in-depth assessment of the federal experience with quality improvementand recommendations for program improvement, this book helpspoint the way for those who strive to create higher quality and better valuein health care. Intended for multiple audiences, Medicare’s Quality Improvement Organization Program is essential reading for members of Congress, the federal executive branch, the QIOs, health care providers andclinicians, and stakeholder groups.