Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres brings together a range of perspectives on two of the most important and contested concepts in applied linguistics: stance and voice. International experts provide an accessible, yet authoritative introduction to key issues and debates surrounding these terms.
Tabella dei contenuti
List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction; K.Hyland & C.Sancho-Guinda Current Conceptions of Stance; B.Gray & D.Biber Current Conceptions of Voice; C.Tardy Voice and Stance as APPRAISAL: Persuading and Positioning in Research Writing Across Intellectual Fields; S.Hood Stance in Academic Bios; P.Tse Hedging, Stance and Voice in Medical Research Articles; A.Gross & P.Chesley Authorial Voice in Textbooks: Between Exposition and Argument; M.Bondi Achieving a Voice of Authority in Ph D Theses; P.Thompson Undergraduate Understandings: Stance and Voice in Undergraduate Reports; K.Hyland Voice in Student Essays; P.K.Matsuda & J.V.Jeffery Proximal Positioning in Students’ Graph Commentaries; C.Sancho-Guinda Stance and Voice in Academic Discourse Across Channels; A.Hewings Voice and Stance Across Disciplines in Academic Discourse; M.Silver Variation of Stance and Voice Across Cultures; K.Fløttum The Voice of Scholarly Dispute in Medical Book Reviews 1890-2010; F.Salager-Meyer , M.Áriza & M.Briceño Epilogue; D.Cameron
Circa l’autore
MARÍA ÁNGELES ALCARAZ ÁRIZA teaches English for Tourism at the University of Alicante, Spain MARIANELA LUZARDO BRICEÑO teaches statistics at the University of the Andes, Venezuela DOUGLAS BIBER is Regents’ Professor of English (Applied Linguistics) at Northern Arizona University, USA MARINA BONDI is Professor of English Language at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy DEBORAH CAMERON teaches in the English Faculty at Oxford University, UK, where she holds the Rupert Murdoch Chair of Language and Communication PAULA CHESLEY is Visiting Professor at the Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta, Canada KJERSTI FLØTTUM is Professor of French linguistics at the Department of Foreign Languages, and Head of Bergen Summer Research School on Global Development Challenges (, University of Bergen, Norway BETHANY GRAY is post-doctoral associate at Iowa State University, USA ALAN GROSS is a Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA ANN HEWINGS is a senior lecturer in the Centre for Language and Communications at the Open University, UK SUSAN HOOD is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia JILL V. JEFFERY is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies and the Department of English at the University of New Mexico, USA PAUL KEI MATSUDA is Associate Professor of English at Arizona State University, USA FRANÇOISE SALAGER-MEYER teaches EMP (English for Medical Purposes) and Russian at the University of the Andes, Venezuela MARC SILVER is Professor of English Linguistics and Director of the Language Centre at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy CHRISTINE TARDY is an Associate Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse at De Paul University in Chicago, USA PAUL THOMPSON is the Director of the Centre for Corpus Research at the University of Birmingham, USA POLLY TSE teaches ESP and EAPcourses at the Centre for Applied English Studies at The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong