Autore: Carole Daverne-Bailly

Carole Daverne-Bailly is a senior lecturer and accredited to supervise research (HDR) at the University of Rouen Normandy. She is also a member of CIRNEF (Centre interdisciplinaire de Recherche Normand en Education et Formation), France. Richard Wittorski is a full professor at the University of Rouen Normandy and a director at CIRNEF, France.

3 Ebook di Carole Daverne-Bailly

Carole Daverne-Bailly & Richard Wittorski: Research Methodology in Education and Training
This book is a methodological guide intended for those who wish to better understand how to conduct research in the education and training sciences. It is organized into three main parts. The first p …
Carole Daverne-Bailly & Richard Wittorski: Research Methodology in Education and Training
This book is a methodological guide intended for those who wish to better understand how to conduct research in the education and training sciences. It is organized into three main parts. The first p …
Carole Daverne-Bailly: Methodologie de la recherche en sciences de l’education et de la formation
Methodologie de la recherche en sciences de l’education et de la formation invite le lecteur a voir autrement le monde qui l’entoure, c’est-a-dire a ne pas considerer ce qu’il vit et experimente comm …