Tips for tailoring instruction and meeting the needs of dyslexic learners
Looking through both academic and social-emotional lenses, this book will deepen your understanding of dyslexia and help you feel confident in your interactions and implementation of instruction with your dyslexic learners. Written for educators and schools looking for ways to meet the social and emotional needs of dyslexic learners, scaffold instruction, and successfully implement accommodations, Teaching Beyond the Diagnosis provides a concrete framework for promoting self-confidence and student success. Author Casey Harrison, creator of The Dyslexia Classroom, shares her unique approach to creating dyslexia-friendly classrooms, providing accommodations and in the moment scaffolds as well as helping students build self-advocacy skills. This book will allow you to:
- Meet the needs of dyslexic learners both academically and emotionally
- Understand what dyslexia is, how it impacts learning, and what implications it has beyond the reading classroom
- Learn research-based techniques to enhance, differentiate and scaffold instruction, promoting learning in students with dyslexia
- Develop empathy and understanding, both in yourself and in the broader educational community, and promote inclusive classrooms
This book is for anyone who wants to help students with dyslexia find self-confidence and success: K-12 educators, as well as parents, administrators, and aspiring teachers.
Tabella dei contenuti
Dedication v
Preface ix
Introduction xiii
CHAPTER 1 Understanding Dyslexia 1
CHAPTER 2 Characteristics and Contradictory Signs of Dyslexia 17
CHAPTER 3 The Dyslexia Iceberg and Cascading Effects of Dyslexia 33
CHAPTER 4 Understanding Student Learning Profiles 43
CHAPTER 5 The Reading Brain 61
CHAPTER 6 Structured Literacy in Dyslexia Education 83
CHAPTER 7 Meaningful Multimodal Experiences to Support Learning 99
CHAPTER 8 Scaffolds in Structured Literacy 113
CHAPTER 9 A Snapshot of Support in Action 129
CHAPTER 10 Call for a Champion 151
CHAPTER 11 Critical Thinking and Executive Function 173
CHAPTER 12 Accommodation Toolbox 201
CHAPTER 13 Classroom Environment 221
CHAPTER 14 Self-Advocacy, Success, and Confidence 237
Conclusion 245
Resources 247
Acknowledgments 279
About the Author 281
Index 283
Circa l’autore
Casey Harrison is a Certified Academic Language Therapist, Dyslexia Therapist, and educator. She created The Dyslexia Classroom, an organization that helps teachers and parents of dyslexic learners by breaking down the science of reading into manageable pieces. Harrison co-hosts the Together in Literacy podcast. Find her online at and on Instagram @thedyslexiaclassroom.