Ebook SupportoCatalogFictionLibri per bambini / ragazziViaggiGuidaScienza spiritualeScienzaScienze socialiScuola / apprendimentoSaggistica4.996.134 Ebook in questa categoria Patsy Pridgen: Money and Murder in Narrow Creek It’s October in small-town Narrow Creek, North Carolina, and Dee Ann Bulluck is set for a fun morning of picking pumpkins when five-year-old Heather discovers a lady "taking a nap" in Elmer … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.44 Robert J. Nemiroff: Faster than Light Albert Einstein knew already in the early 1900s, when he first published his famous paper about the constancy of the speed of light, that not only did this constancy imply that mass contains energy ( … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.85 Ee Heok Kua: Colours of Ageing The 30 years of research – comprising five epidemiological studies – on the mental health of the Singapore elderly is a tapestry of myriad colours of people from different ethnicities, cultures and s … EPUB Adobe DRM €23.21 Henry Toi: Think To Thrive Think to Thrive examines the basis of thinking and introduce a fundamental model of a process of good thinking called PEARL. The simple and effective tool can be used to improve thinking in almost an … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.76 Anthony Eglin: All I Ever Wanted to Be Was An Ad Man From a childhood growing up dodging doodlebugs and bombs in wartime Britain, to an award-winning career in advertising and marketing (more madcap than Mad Men), to a panoply of fascinating passions a … EPUB Adobe DRM €12.88 Kristen B. Hubler: Impossible Box I used to think I would never be able to run a marathon as 26.2 miles was an impossible distance. When I envisioned marathon runners, they were a separate category of humans. Occasionally though, jus … EPUB Adobe DRM €11.57 Y.P.R: HAPPINESS & HEROISM How do you define success for your children? How do you define success for yourself? Are you simply chasing money, fame, or power? What value are those things if you are unhappy, dissatisfied, unwise … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.27 Howell Rogers: Back Bay Collection Sailing and the Eastern Seaboard are the inspiration for shared emotional connections and conveying a sense of place in this debut collection of poems with themes of love and romance, unrequited love … EPUB Adobe DRM €11.61 Written by George Elton Mayo (USA): Harvard Humanistic Management Between 1924 and 1932, the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric Company in the western United States conducted a series of psychological experiments based on scientific management logic, mainly led by … EPUB Adobe DRM €22.99 Yue Xianlun: How Geniuses Are Made This book gathers nearly a hundred well-known geniuses from ancient and modern times, across various fields such as science, literature, art, economics, politics, military, and sports. It documents a … EPUB Adobe DRM €16.34 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×