Saggi, caratteristiche, critica letteraria SupportoCatalogFictionLetteratura narrativaPrima del 1945Dal 1945Romanzi storici, narrazioniFiabe, leggende, leggendeAntologieBiografie romanticheLettere, diariSaggi, caratteristiche, critica letterariaAforismi25.298 Ebook in questa categoria Ayoub: Islam & The Third Universal Theory This volume, first published in 1987, was the first to examine in depth the religious thought of Colonel Mu”ammar al-Qadhdhafi and its central place in his political, social and economic theories. T … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.39 Miriam Cooke: Women Claim Islam This provocative collection addresses the ways in which Arab women writers are using Islam to empower themselves, and theorizes the conditions that have made the appearance of these new voices possib … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.77 Jacqueline de Weever: Sheba”s Daughters Exploring how the depiction of otherness or alterity during the Middle Ages became problematic in the aesthetics of the Romance epics written during the centuries of the Crusades, this book offers a … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.59 Ritch Williams-Savin: …And Then I Became Gay ‘…And Then I Became Gay is about the lives of young men who express the complications, adversities, and satisfactions of being a sexual outsider in North America during the 1980s and 1990s. Consist … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.28 Ashok Chopra: Of Love and Other Sorrows Reports announcing the death of the book are now rife, but the continued relevance of the ten master writers discussed in this volume is proof to the contrary. Here we come across the dissident Czech … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.27 Paul J. McGinnis & Arthur H. Williamson: The British Union De Unione Insulae Britannicae (The British Union) is a unique seventeenth-century tract that urged the fusion of the Scottish and English kingdoms into a new British commonwealth with a radically new … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.47 Hilaire Belloc: On Anything "On Anything" by Hilaire Belloc is a diverse collection of essays that showcases the author’s wide-ranging intellect and sharp wit. The book delves into numerous topics, making it a rich ta … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 C.H. Von Manstein: Contemporary Memoirs of Russia from 1727-1744 First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.55 Rae Blanchard: Tracts and Pamphlets by Richard Steele First Published in 1968. Sir Richard Steele”s plays and major periodicals have been reprinted in modern times. But the miscellaneous tracts and pamphlets, which in his own day in the eighteenth cent … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.47 Elizabeth Skerpan-Wheeler: Life Writings, II Early modern men and women represented their lives very differently from twentieth-century autobiographers, sharing none of the current preoccupation with individuality and the unique self. The write … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.06 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×