Lettere, diari SupportoCatalogFictionLetteratura narrativaPrima del 1945Dal 1945Romanzi storici, narrazioniFiabe, leggende, leggendeAntologieBiografie romanticheLettere, diariSaggi, caratteristiche, critica letterariaAforismi6.108 Ebook in questa categoria Lawrence L. Langer: An Unimaginable Partnership In 1995, as Samuel Bak was working on a suite of twenty large paintings eventually entitled Landscape of Jewish Experience, Pucker Gallery reached out to scholar Lawrence L. Langer, who had recently … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €25.99 Minnie Vautrin: Terror in Minnie Vautrin’s Nanjing In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China’s capital city of Nanjing and launched six weeks of carnage that would become known as the Rape of Nanjing. In addition to the death … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €25.65 Michelle Andrews & Zara McDonald: Space Between There’s this weird gap in life that’s fuelled by cheap tacos and even cheaper tequila – also known as our twenties. It’s a specific limbo between being a teenager and a Proper Adult, and though it’s … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €24.31 Baidik Bhattacharya: Colonialism, World Literature, and the Making of the Modern Culture of Letters EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €38.70 Timothy Mason Roberts: This Infernal War Among collections of letters written between American soldiers and their spouses, the Civil War correspondence of William and Jane Standard stands out for conveying the complexity of the motives and … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €46.28 Richard Glover: Love, Clancy Heartfelt and hilarious, this is a book for anyone who has tried to imagine what their dog was thinking. Human beings often write about their dogs, but the dogs don’t usually get a right of reply. In … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €7.49 Laika L Gagarin: Cosmonaut The Soviet Union has endured through much in this world. The World Wars, the Cold War, and the Space Race, and has lasted through all of them. The Red Banner, shielded by the hammer and sickle, flies … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €0.99 Jacqueline D’Arcy: On His Majesty’s Service George Augustus Robinson’s voice, both in the past and in the contemporary world, is an important one. He has been used and sometimes abused by historians and others in debates about colonisation and … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €10.33 Ross Hebb: In Their Own Words A historian examines the letters written by three residents of Canada’s Maritime provinces during their service in World War I. What was the First World War really like for Maritimers ov … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €19.33 Annie Janvier: Breathe, Baby, Breathe! Every year in the United States, 12 per cent of all births are preterm births, 5 per cent of all babies need help to breathe at birth, and 3 per cent of neonates are born with at least one severe mal … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €37.15 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×