Horror SupportoCatalogFictionTensioneCrimine, Thriller, SpionaggioRomanzi polizieschi storiciHorror20.616 Ebook in questa categoria Mark Harris: The World is Dead As a deadly virus spreads from Africa around the globe, humanity struggles to survive its horrific effects.This is no ordinary virus, it turns its victims into zombies and as the living dead stalk th … PDF Adobe DRM €11.51 H.P. Lovecraft: Shunned House For over a century, sickness and death have befallen those who reside in the old house on Benefit Street. Surrounded by strange weeds and rancid odours, and infested by glowing fungus, two men ventur … PDF Adobe DRM €1.28 Alex Myatt: Depths A lone soul descends towards the ocean floor, powerless against nature’s grasp and unable to alter his fate. As the struggle to maintain his humanity slips away, an unwelcome and unnatural sense thre … PDF Adobe DRM €1.26 Dacre Stoker: Dracula’s Bedlam Dracula’s Bedlam is the second novel in the Stoker Verse series, conceptualised and brought to life by writers Chris Mc Auley and Dacre Stoker, the great-grandnephew of Dracula author Bram Stoker. Gu … PDF Adobe DRM €9.59 Si Spurrier: The RUSH ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. ALL THAT HUNGERS IS NOT HOLY. ALL THAT LIVE ARE NOT ALIVE. Historical horror that chills to the bone, The RUSH. is for fans of Dan Simmons’, The Terror mined with a N … PDF Adobe DRM €8.99 Kim Newman: Anno Dracula collection "Exactly what I wanted as a die-hard fan of the novels." – Comics Alliance For a dark decade, Dracula has ruled the British Empire, unchecked. Now, on the verge of his Tin Jubilee, forces a … PDF Adobe DRM €23.20 H.P. Lovecraft: Call of Cthulu Written in 1926 and first published in the magazine Weird Tales two years later, The Call of Cthulu is almost certainly H.P. Lovecraft’s best known short story. Drawing inspiration from Alfred Tennys … PDF Adobe DRM €1.27 Dacre Stoker: Virgin’s Embrace The Virgin’s Embrace is the first in the Stoker Verse series of short graphic novels, conceptualised and brought to life by writers Chris Mc Auley and Dacre Stoker, the great-grand-nephew of Dracula … PDF Adobe DRM €9.67 Alan Millard: Variations on a Haunting Theme What begins as a seemingly innocent invitation to dinner from a relative stranger turns into something more sinister. Persuaded to stay for three days in the stranger’s isolated house, the guest hear … PDF Adobe DRM €5.15 Harry Pope: Michael’s Rebellion Ballygobackwards Castle is full of Irish revolutionaries. Michael is their leader, training them ready for the Easter uprising in Dublin. But first, he has to ensure as many as possible survive the C … PDF Adobe DRM €1.27 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×