Guida naturalistica SupportoCatalogGuidaNaturaGiardinoGuida naturalisticaAstronomiaZootecnia hobbyCavalli, equitazionePesca, caccia1.119 Ebook in questa categoria Yelizaveta P. Renfro: Xylotheque Trees are guiding symbols for Yelizaveta P. Renfro in her life and in her work. Combining memoir and nature writing, this book comprises nine essays that represent different seasons and slices of tim … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €19.99 Charles Hood: A Salad Only the Devil Would Eat A quirky and reverent romp through nature with an irreverently funny guide. ‘Among nature writers now working, Charles Hood may be my favorite. He never stops telling stories, and his perspective is … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €16.99 Donald C. Jackson: Wilder Ways In Wilder Ways, Donald C. Jackson takes readers on a journey into the deep and very personal connections that can develop between people and wild places while hunting, fishing, and rambling across la … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €25.99 Cara M. Gubbins: The Dolphins of Hilton Head One population of a truly fascinating species The Dolphins of Hilton Head introduces readers to the unique population of bottlenose dolphins that inhabits the warm water and brackish salt marshes of … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €20.99 Marc Peter Keane: Of Arcs and Circles A renowned designer of Japanese gardens contemplates wildness, humanity, beauty, the liquid state of the world. From his vantage point as a garden designer and writer based in Kyoto, Marc Peter Keane … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €9.99 Beth Costanzo: Little Fish Swim with Scuba Jack The Adventures of Scuba Jack is at it again with another fun adventure! By using his imagination, Scuba Jack takes Little Fish to meet some fascinating sea creatures. Or does he? Everyone knows that … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €9.49 Linda Cracknell: Writing Landscape Inhabiting a landscape, walking a landscape, writing a place and time. Linda Cracknell is a writer of place and nature who believes in being alert, observing, and writing from the particulars of each … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Lachlan McLaine: Expert Companions: Outdoor Make the most of all of your outdoors adventures by being prepared–physically and mentally–with Expert Companions: Outdoor. Author Lachlan Mc Laine offers a distinctive blend of real-world advice f … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €16.99 Bonnie J. Gisel: The Wilder Muir Whether he is cheering for untamed mountain sheep or braving a high-country storm that would sweep away lesser mortals, John Muir—outdoorsman, scientist, author—is forever passionate, often droll, an … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €14.99 Matthew Gavin Frank: Preparing the Ghost: An Essay Concerning the Giant Squid and Its First Photographer A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice Selection Named one of the Best Books of the Year by Shelf Awareness Memory, mythology, and obsession collide in this “slyly charming” (New York Times Boo … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €14.99 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×