Astrologia, Cosmo SupportoCatalogGuidaSpiritualitàEsotericoAstrologia, CosmoInterpretazione della vitaVecchia conoscenza, antiche cultureSaggezza orientaleAntroposofiaAltro1.213 Ebook in questa categoria Saket Shah: Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika nakshatra padas I am here giving out 3 nakshatras that is Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika nakshatra. It is based on Ravana Samhita. All the planets how they behave in these nakshatra is given completely on work of Rav … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Saket Shah: Venus in Signs We always wonder that every sign in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Venus will give results in … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Matthew Petchinsky: Stellar Sativas and Cosmic Indicas In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where the fabric of reality weaves itself into the tapestry of the unknown, lie the enigmatic gardens of ‘Stellar Sativas and Cosmic Indicas.’ This guidebook is you … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €7.49 Courtney OReilly & Courtney OReilly: Zodiac Signs: Taurus A new series of sign-by-sign guides from contemporary astrologers. Astrology is a vital tool for understanding our place in the world and the universal forces that move us. A cosmic calling rather th … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €9.49 Maurice Fernandez: Neptune, the 12th house, and Pisces – 2nd Edition Planets and Signs in the 12th house / Neptune in each House and Sign / Transits of Neptune In this comprehensive study, Maurice Fernandez explores the evolutionary meaning and lessons of Neptune, the … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €11.99 Simone Butler: 10-Minute Moon Rituals 10-Minute Moon Rituals is a brief, accessible, and practical introduction to ancient moon worship, the moon signs, moon phases, and guidance on working with each sign as the moon passes through … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €18.99 Saket Shah: Predictive Techniques of 9th house Dear Reader, This is one of my best presentation on Quick and snapshot predictive techniques for 9th house in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Saket Shah: Saturn in Houses We always wonder that every House in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Saturn will give results … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 LISA HARRISON: THE BASICS OF ASTROLOGY ‘The Basics of Astrology’ is your gateway to understanding the language of the stars and unlocking the secrets of the cosmos. This introductory guide demystifies the fundamentals of astrology, provid … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €9.49 Saket Shah: Effects of House lord in 27 Nakshatras In astrology, a house lord refers to the ruling planet of a specific astrological house in a birth chart. The birth chart, also known as the natal chart or horoscope, is a map of the sky at the exact … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €17.00 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×