Astrologia, Cosmo SupportoCatalogGuidaSpiritualitàEsotericoAstrologia, CosmoInterpretazione della vitaVecchia conoscenza, antiche cultureSaggezza orientaleAntroposofiaAltro1.135 Ebook in questa categoria Saket Shah: Saturn in Houses We always wonder that every House in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Saturn will give results … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Rosa Bingham: Fun Astrology – Teach Yourself the Signs of the Zodiac and What They Mean Making astrology accessible for everyone, Rosa Bingham’s Fun Astrology will help you to learn the signs of the zodiac and gain a better understanding of the world around you. If you’ve always wanted … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €6.49 Monte Farber & Amy Zerner: Astrology for Wellness Astrology can help us divine the future—but it’s also a perfect path to reclaiming your personal power through wellness practices tailored to your sign. Type-A Aries is prone to burnout at wor … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €9.49 Michael A. Sugarman: Addiction in the Vedic Astrology Chart Certified addiction specialist and Vedic astrologer Michael Sugarman has written a carefully researched thesis devoted to seeing indications of addiction in the Vedic astrology chart. Citing numerous … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €9.49 Robert Ethier: Angels to Aliens I found Angels to Aliens to be great collection of firsthand accounts. The author made a very enjoyable and easily readable selection from the vast number of accounts that had been given to him. Coun … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €5.49 Angela M: The Virgo Story This book has been created in order to provide the reader with a ‘getting to know you’ guide to having a Sun in Virgo. The Sun and its position in the natal birth cha … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €6.49 Saket Shah: Nakshatras Part Three Dear Reader, We always wonder what nakshatra is in astrology. It is actually the soul of astrology and to implement it in prediction we need to have in depth knowledge of it. So here I am explaining … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Saket Shah: Rahu in Nakshatras This is one of my best presentation on Rahu in Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. The content in this book you will not find anywhere in internet or with any astrologer in this world. I am trying my best … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €15.99 Daniel Reynolds: Moonlit Beginnings Attention: Unlock the mystical realms of ‘Moonlit Beginnings: Spell craft and Rituals for Lunar Novices – A Practical Handbook for Moon Magic’. Immerse yourself in a captivating journey where the moo … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €10.99 Saket Shah: Aspects in Navamsa Part 2 With my experience in astrology from many decades in this book I am going to describe Moon mars AND mercury in different sign in navamsas with aspects from different planets on them. Every planet in … EPUB Inglese Adobe DRM €17.00 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×