Architecture SupportoCatalogScienza spiritualeArte / ArchitetturaGenerale, DizionariStoria dell’arteBelle artiArchitectureInterior Design, DesignTeatro, ballettoFotografia, Film, Video, TVAntiquariatoAltro20.893 Ebook in questa categoria Mark Lawson & Peter Trebilcock: Architectural Design in Steel Steelwork offers the opportunity for architectural expression, as well as being structurally versatile and adaptable material. Good detailing is vital because it affects structural performance, costs … EPUB Adobe DRM €134.84 Rory Cullen & Rick Meier: Specifications for Building Conservation In Specifications for Building Conservation, the National Trust draws on a range of case studies and specifications to provide a much needed guide to specification writing for building conservation. … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.54 Stanley Abercrombie: A Philosophy Of Interior Design This book explores and explains the fundamentals of interior design. Because it does not emphasize current trends and fashion, its value will be long lasting. … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.05 Dr Andrew Filmer & Dr Juliet Rufford: Performing Architectures Performing Architectures offers a coherent introduction to the fields of performance and contemporary architecture, exploring the significance of architecture for performance theory and theatre and p … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.15 Randy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Deutsch: Superusers Design technology is changing both architectural practice and the role of the architect and related design professionals. With new technologies and work processes appearing every week, how can practi … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.07 Ian Wray: No Little Plans Is planning for America anathema to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness? Is it true, as ideologues like Friedrich Von Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Ayn Rand have claimed, that planning leads to … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.57 Amanda C. Roth Clark & Leland M. Roth: American Architecture More than fifteen years after the success of the first edition, this sweeping introduction to the history of architecture in the United States is now a fully revised guide to the major developments t … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.13 Hugh Ellis & Kate Henderson: The Art of Building a Garden City The Art of Building a Garden City is a well-researched guide to the history of the garden city movement and the delivery of a new generation of communities for the 21st Century. Bringing together key … EPUB Adobe DRM €53.91 Fabio Capra Ribeiro: Uncertain Regional Urbanism in Venezuela Uncertain Regional Urbanism in Venezuela explores the changes cities face when they become metropolises, forming expanding regions which create both potential and problems within settlements. To do s … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.73 Susannah Hagan: Digitalia Susannah Hagan boldly discusses the fraught relationship between key dominating areas of architectural discourse – digital design, environmental design, and avant-garde design. Digitalia firstly demo … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.24 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×