Generale, Dizionari SupportoCatalogScienza spiritualeArte / ArchitetturaGenerale, DizionariStoria dell’arteBelle artiArchitectureInterior Design, DesignTeatro, ballettoFotografia, Film, Video, TVAntiquariatoAltro23.585 Ebook in questa categoria Francis Collinson: The Bagpipe Originally published in 1975, and written by an authority on Scottish music, this book traces the evolution of the bagpipe whilst also narrating the fortunes of the ‘Great Highland Bagpipe’ itself. E … EPUB Adobe DRM €35.87 Robin (Open University, UK) Roy: Consumer Product Innovation and Sustainable Design Consumer Product Innovation and Sustainable Design follows the innovation and evolution of consumer products from vacuum cleaners to mobile phones from their original inventions to the present day. I … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.70 Michelle Langford: Allegory in Iranian Cinema Iranian filmmakers have long been recognised for creating a vibrant, aesthetically rich cinema whilst working under strict state censorship regulations. As Michelle Langford reveals, many have found … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.11 Luther Link: Devil ‘highly entertaining and informative… This is a book worth arguing with, written with verve, wit and passion. It is also lavishly illustrated. I enjoyed every minute of it.’— The Spectator ‘as comp … EPUB Adobe DRM €23.12 Kim Burwell: Studio-Based Instrumental Learning In Studio-Based Instrumental Learning, Kim Burwell investigates the nature of lesson interactions in instrumental teaching and learning. Studio lesson activity is represented as a private interaction … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.61 Georgia Brown: Thomas Nashe The current surge of interest in the Elizabethan poet, dramatist, prose-writer and critic, Thomas Nashe, follows years of neglect or undisguised hostility. Yet, as early allusions testify, Nashe was … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.52 Ruth Lunney: John Lyly John Lyly is the first collection of essays dedicated solely to the work of this University Wit, celebrity prose writer, and playwright to the court of Elizabeth. Lyly”s energy and wit inspired his … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.20 Steve Binnie: Feeling Like a Number One 1980 was an important year for Top of the Pops: it was the year it began to transform from a light entertainment show into essential viewing for pop music aficionados. The transition didn’t happen ov … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.14 Dr Alison Smith: Georges Didi-Huberman and Film Georges Didi-Huberman is a philosopher of images whose work is overdue for attention from English-language readers. Since the publication of his first book in 1982, he has published 46 essays, mostly … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.79 W.G. Archer: The Vertical Man Originally published in 1947, The Vertical Man explores a form of Indian sculpture largely ignored in other studies, with a focus on two kinds of sculpture from the province of Bihar. The book provid … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.21 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×