Interior Design, Design SupportoCatalogScienza spiritualeArte / ArchitetturaGenerale, DizionariStoria dell’arteBelle artiArchitectureInterior Design, DesignTeatro, ballettoFotografia, Film, Video, TVAntiquariatoAltro6.485 Ebook in questa categoria Professor Andrew J. Kunka: Autobiographical Comics A complete guide to the history, form and contexts of the genre, Autobiographical Comics helps readers explore the increasingly popular genre of graphic life writing. In an accessible and easy-to-nav … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.23 Hannah Paddon: Redisplaying Museum Collections This is the first book to examine, in depth, the multi-million pound redisplay and reinterpretation process in British museums in the early twenty-first century. Acknowledging the importance of the H … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.49 Tim Parsons: Thinking: Objects: Contemporary Approaches to Product Design Thinking: Objects: Contemporary Approaches to Product Design discusses influences on modern product design such as globalization, technology, the media and the need for a sustainable future, and demo … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.79 Kaaren Hale: Fashion After Fifty The trouble with being over fifty is that everything starts to change. By sixty, gravity has started to pull hard and by seventy there is an urgent need to cover up some of the wobbly bits. The femal … EPUB Adobe DRM €12.81 Joanna Boehnert: Design, Ecology, Politics Design, Ecology, Politics links social and ecological theory to design theory and practice, critiquing the ways in which the design industry perpetuates unsustainable development. Boehnert argues tha … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.72 Stephan Konz: Work Design: Occupational Ergonomics This book gives readers the tools they need to achieve work design that is ergonomically effective while remaining economically feasible. Whether studying work design/ergonomics in a college classroo … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.39 D. Medina Lasansky: Archi.Pop How have architecture and design been represented in popular culture? How do these fictional reflections feed back into and influence ”the real world”? Archi.Pop: Architecture and Design in Popular … EPUB Adobe DRM €139.31 Arti Sandhu: Indian Fashion Fashion in India is distinctly unique, in its aesthetics, systems, designers and influences. Indian Fashion is the first study of its kind to examine the social, political, global and local elements … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.13 Ruth Rubenstein & Ruth Rubinstein: Dress Codes Rich with illustrations, this revised and updated second edition of Dress Codes systematically analyzes the meaning and relevance of clothing in American culture. Presented here is an up-to-date anal … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.89 Ariel Beaujot: Victorian Fashion Accessories In Victorian England, women”s accessories were always much more than incidental finishing touches to their elaborate dress. Accessories helped women to fashion their identities.Victorian Fashion Acc … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.48 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×