Fotografia, Film, Video, TV SupportoCatalogScienza spiritualeArte / ArchitetturaGenerale, DizionariStoria dell’arteBelle artiArchitectureInterior Design, DesignTeatro, ballettoFotografia, Film, Video, TVAntiquariatoAltro26.324 Ebook in questa categoria Gilad Padva: Straight Skin, Gay Masks and Pretending to be Gay on Screen Straight Skin, Gay Masks and Pretending to Be Gay on Screen examines cinematic depictions of pretending-to-be-gay, assessing performances that not only reflect heteronormative and explicitly homophob … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.21 NA NA: 100 Animated Feature Films Twenty years ago, animated features were widely perceived as cartoons for children. Today, though, they encompass an astonishing range of films, styles and techniques. There is the powerful adult dra … EPUB Adobe DRM €57.92 Cynthia Baron: Denzel Washington In this illuminating insight into Denzel Washington”s multifaceted image and remarkable career, Cynthia Baron traces his star persona and impact on mainstream society – from his time as a skilled ac … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.69 Martin Rieser & Andrea Zapp: New Screen Media This text presents the work of cultural theorists and philosophers of new media, together with the perspectives of artists experimenting with different interactive models critically examining their o … EPUB Adobe DRM €50.73 June Givanni: Symbolic Narratives/African Cinema In the conference Africa and the History of Cinematic Ideas held in London in 1995, film-makers, cultural theorists and critics gathered to debate a range of issues. Views were exchanged on such topi … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.80 Will Nicholls: British Wildlife Photography Awards 12 The British Wildlife Photography Awards is a celebration of British natural history. This stunning collection of images documents nature across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.Curating … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.68 Wes Howell: DVD Authoring with Adobe Encore DVD Expand your creative ability by mastering the software tools. ‘DVD Authoring with Adobe Encore DVD’ covers the toolset in a manner that demonstrates real-world application. The downloadable resources … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.49 Martin Uren: BKSTS Illustrated Dictionary of Moving Image Technology The fourth edition of the BKSTS dictionary provides clear and concise explanations of the terminology and acronyms encountered in the broadcasting and moving image industries. Convergence of these in … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.61 Chad (Television writer & producer, Beverly Hills, CA, USA) Gervich: How to Manage Your Agent First published in 2013. Have you written the script for the next box office blockbuster or hit TV show and just need the right agent to sell it? Not sure whether to accept an if-come deal or a scrip … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.52 Lynn Terry: Tails from the Booth This is what happens when you put dogs in a photobooth: they smile – they yawn – they snarl – they snog – they frown – they sneeze – they stare – they make friends – they fall out – they strike a pos … EPUB Adobe DRM €13.34 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×