Preistoria e storia antica SupportoCatalogScienza spiritualeStoriaGenerale, DizionariPreistoria e storia anticaAntichitàMedioevoModern Times fino al 191820° secolo (fino al 1945)Storia contemporanea (dal 1945)Storia regionale, storia del paeseStoria culturale7.856 Ebook in questa categoria Carlos Cordova: Geoarchaeology Geoarchaeology is traditionally concerned with reconstructing the environmental aspects of past societies using the methods of the earth sciences. The field has been steadily enriched by scholars fro … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.08 Robert Schuyler: Historical Archaeology A sourcebook devoted to historical archaeology, a significant field of study which blends together the theories and methods of anthropology, history, and archaeology. … EPUB Adobe DRM €135.15 Guy Beresford: Caldecote ‘At just 132 hectares (325 acres) the parish of Caldecote is one of the smallest parishes in Hertfordshire. Today the settlement comprises the manor house, until recently surrounded by a range of tra … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.48 Jane Eva Baxter: Archaeological Field Schools The field school is often described as a “rite of passage” among archaeologists. They are considered essential for the appropriate training of students for academic or professional archaeological car … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.94 Barbara Freitag: Sheela-na-gigs Here Barbara Freitag examines all the literature on the subject since their discovery 160 years ago, highlighting the inconsistencies of the various interpretations in regard to origin, function and … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.85 Gennady Estraikh: The Shtetl ‘There is no possibility of entering the world of Yiddish, its literature and culture, without understanding what the shtetl was, how it functioned, and what tensions charged its existence. Whether i … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.11 Scott W. Schwartz: An Archaeology of Temperature This work investigates the material culture of public temperatures in New York City. Numbers like temperature, while ubiquitous and indispensable to capitalized social relations, are often hidden awa … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.47 Magdalena (University of Edinburgh, UK) Midgley: The Megaliths of Northern Europe The North European megaliths are among the most enduring structures built in prehistory; they are imbued with symbolic meanings which embody physical and conceptual ideas about the nature of the worl … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.40 Jonathan M. Golden: Dawn of the Metal Age The fifth millennium BCE was a period of rapid social change. One of the key factors was the developments in technology which led to the rise of the metals industry. Archaeological finds from sites d … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.62 Priscilla Wegars: Hidden Heritage Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, large numbers of people from mainland China emigrated to the United States and other countries seeking employment. Termed ‘overseas Chinese, ‘ they made lasti … EPUB Adobe DRM €128.98 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×