Film SupportoCatalogSaggisticaMusica / film / teatroBiografie, autobiografieMusica – GeneraleClassica, Opera, Operetta, MusicalJazz, BluesPop, RockFilmTVTeatroAltro1.668 Ebook in questa categoria Ken Russell: Directing Films In this ground-breaking book, acclaimed film director Ken Russell unpacks the creative insights, technique, know-how and sheer determination that have enabled him to realise on screen more than fifty … EPUB Inglese €11.99 Robert Sellers: The Search for Bond ‘There are so many insights – even hardcore Bond fans will be surprised. Indispensable.’ – David Lowbridge-Ellis MBE Only six men can lay claim to wearing the famous Savile Row tuxedo of James Bond; … EPUB Inglese €18.49 Alistair Owen: The Art of Screen Adaptation 25% discount offer – use code CE25 at checkout 'If you decide to adapt a classic or much-loved book, your working maxim should be, 'How will it work best as a film?' However faithful … EPUB Inglese €15.59 Craig Sisterson: Southern Cross Crime Australian and New Zealand crime and thriller writing is booming globally, with antipodean authors regularly featuring on awards and bestseller lists across Europe and North America, and overseas rea … EPUB Inglese €9.59 Stephen Follows: How to Crowdfund Your Film Crowdfunding is a major source of funding for independent films and over $250 million has been raised for films just on Kickstarter alone. This book will guide you through every stage of planning, cr … EPUB Inglese €19.99 Matthew Field: Making of the Italian Job Thirty years ago one of the most popular British films of all time was released. The Italian Job is remembered by everyone who has seen it, if not for Michael Caine's unforgettable line ‘You&apo … EPUB Inglese €7.19 Brian J. Robb: Screams & Nightmares Writer, producer, and director Wes Craven has successfully tapped into the horror vein for over forty years, serving up scary, funny, cutting-edge thrillers that have become classics in the genre. Hi … EPUB Inglese €11.99 Lee Karr & Greg Nicotero: The Making of George A. Romero’s Day of the Dead Released in 1985, Day of the Deadwas the final film of George A. Romero’s classic zombie trilogy, which forever changed the face of horror filmmaking. Set in an apocalyptic world where the living-dea … EPUB Inglese €13.00 Steven Paul Davies: Out at the Movies Over the decades, gay cinema has reflected the community's journey from persecution to emancipation to acceptance. Politicised dramas like Victim in the 60s, The Naked Civil Servant in the 70s, … EPUB Inglese €15.59 Michelle Le Blanc & Colin Odell: Studio Ghibli The animations of Japan's Studio Ghibli are among the most respected in the movie industry. Their films rank alongside the most popular non-English language films ever made, with each new releas … EPUB Inglese €11.99 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×