Scienze sociali SupportoCatalogFictionLibri per bambini / ragazziViaggiGuidaScienza spiritualeScienzaScienze socialiScuola / apprendimentoSaggisticaGeneraleSociologiaPoliticaMedia / ComunicazioneEtnologiaGiurisprudenzaEconomia641.699 Ebook in questa categoria Ruth A. Miller: The Limits of Bodily Integrity This volume argues that legislation on abortion, adultery, and rape has been central to the formation of the modern citizen. The author draws on rights literature, bio-political scholarship, and a ge … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.42 Jordan McKenzie: Deconstructing Happiness This book offers an original account of the good life in late modernity through a uniquely sociological lens. It considers the various ways that social and cultural factors can encourage or impede ge … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.45 Kirsten Anker: Declarations of Interdependence This book takes up the postcolonial challenge for law and explains how the problems of legal recognition for Indigenous peoples are tied to an orthodox theory of law. Constructing a theory of legal p … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.31 George K. Danns: Domination and Power in Guyana This book explains the emerging system of domination and the exercise of power in the Third World society of Guyana. It is concerned with the police as a bureaucratic inheritance. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.32 E. Dora Earthy: Valenge Women When first published in 1933, this monograph shed new light on the life of the Valenge women of Portuguese East Africa. It discusses their social organisations, family relationships, education, triba … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.82 John Kurt Jacobsen: Technical Fouls What is it that shapes the direction of technological progress in advanced industrial societies? Is it science? Technology itself? Or is it something even more powerful and all-encompassing, like pow … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.48 Odin Dekkers: J.M. Robertson Published in 1998, J. M. Robertson: Rationalist and Literary Critic is a study of the life of one of the most erudite and prolific critics of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Sc … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.27 Prof Carole Counihan & Susanne Højlund: Making Taste Public Making Taste Public takes an ethnographic approach to show how social relations shape – and are shaped by – the taste of food. Recognizing that different cultures have different taste preferences and … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.27 David S. Wall: The Chief Constables of England and Wales First published in 1998, this book analytically examines the social and professional origins of one of the most powerful groups in society, the Chief Constables of the police forces of England and Wa … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.54 Elizabeth Evans & Eleonore Lepinard: Intersectionality in Feminist and Queer Movements Examining the ways in which feminist and queer activists confront privilege through the use of intersectionality, this edited collection presents empirical case studies from around the world to consi … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.85 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×