Economia SupportoCatalogScienze socialiGeneraleSociologiaPoliticaMedia / ComunicazioneEtnologiaGiurisprudenzaEconomiaGenerale, DizionariEconomiaEconomia aziendaleGestionePubblicità, MarketingRami singoliEconomia internazionaleAltro256.070 Ebook in questa categoria Press Productivity: 5S Video Participants Guide This is the Participant Guide that summarizes key concepts from the video, provides reflection exercises for internalizing information as well as worksheets and checksheets to guide participants duri … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.50 Olga Aneziris & Marko Gerbec: Total Safety and the Productivity Challenge Adopting a strategic approach to risk management can maximize competitiveness and profitability. Total Safety and Productivity approaches offer managers a set of methods and tools to apply a Total Sa … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.35 J. Stewart Black: Competing for and with Human Capital Executives say that people are their most important asset, but most don’t walk the talk. They don’t have systematic strategies for how to get the people they want to want them. They don’t have measur … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.22 Floris van den Broek: Management of International Networks Effective management of a communications network can be a difficult and costly activity, and even more so when the network crosses international borders. International network managers face a number … EPUB Adobe DRM €72.94 Rolf Franke & Heinz Schilcher: Chamomile For over 2000 years, preparations of chamomile flowers have counted among the medicinal treasures of many cultural groups. This book provides an interdisciplinary inventory of the scientific level of … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.76 Thad Godish: Sick Buildings This book is a comprehensive examination of the phenomenon of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) characterized as sick or problem buildings. Significant emphasis is given to defining the nature of the pro … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.50 K. Hewitt: Interpretations of Calamity Originally published in 1983, Interpretations of Calamity provides a provocative critique of the ‘dominant view’ of research into natural hazards. Throughout the world, there are now many people prof … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.70 Hamiisi Nsubuga: Employee Rights in Corporate Insolvency This book analyses corporate rescue laws, processes and policies prescribed in corporate insolvency or bankruptcy laws, and employment laws of the UK and the US, with a particular focus on how extant … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.46 Shigeo Shingo: The Sayings of Shigeo Shingo Here is a great introduction to the remarkable mind of Shigeo Shingo, indisputably one of the great forces in manufacturing. In this soft cover book, Dr. Shingo describes his approach to manufacturin … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.29 Nick Dalton & Alan Watkins: The HR (R)Evolution Many observers have suggested that capitalism is fast destroying our planet, concentrating power in a few big companies. Excessive short-termism, leveraged debt, digitisation, and disruption are the … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.67 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×