Giurisprudenza SupportoCatalogScienze socialiGeneraleSociologiaPoliticaMedia / ComunicazioneEtnologiaGiurisprudenzaEconomiaGenerale, DizionariDiritto civile, diritto processuale civileDiritto pubblicoDiritto penale, Diritto processuale penale, CriminologiaDiritto commerciale, diritto commercialeTasseDiritto del lavoro, diritto socialeDiritto internazionaleAltro78.210 Ebook in questa categoria Andriani Kalintiri: Evidence Standards in EU Competition Enforcement What rules or principles govern the assessment of evidence in EU competition enforcement? This book offers, for the first time, a comprehensive academic study on the topic. Its aim is twofold. Firstl … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.91 Sir Louis Blom-Cooper: Unreasoned Verdict The system of jury trial has survived, intact, for 750 years. In the light of contemporary opposition to jury trial for serious offences, this book explains the nature and scope today of jury trial, … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.05 Glen (University of Queensland and University of Sydney, Australia) Searle: Compulsory Property Acquisition for Urban Densification Densification has been a central method of achieving smart, sustainable cities across the world. This book explores international examples of the property rights tensions involved in attempting to de … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.16 Kenneth (St. Louis University, USA) Warren: Administrative Law in the Political System Emphasizing that administrative law must be understood within the context of the political system, this core text combines a descriptive systems approach with a social science focus. Author Kenneth F … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.34 Harriet Gamper & Christine Riefa: Consumer Theories of Harm It has long been thought that fairness in European Consumer Law would be achieved by relying on information as a remedy and expecting the average consumer to keep businesses in check by voting with t … EPUB Adobe DRM €44.78 Dr Michael JR Crawford: An Expressive Theory of Possession Possession is a foundational concept in property law. Despite its undoubted importance, it is poorly understood and a perennial source of confusion. Indeed, there is a widely held view amongst lawyer … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.12 Dr Stuart Goosey: A Pluralist Theory of Age Discrimination This book provides a comprehensive theory of age discrimination that can guide the direct and indirect age discrimination provisions of the Equality Act 2010. The Act holds that unequal treatment on … EPUB Adobe DRM €44.00 Dr Zoe Adams & Professor Catherine Barnard: Deakin and Morris’ Labour Law Deakin and Morris” Labour Law, a work cited as authoritative in the higher appellate courts of several jurisdictions, provides a comprehensive analysis of current British labour law which explains t … EPUB Adobe DRM €63.79 Sandhya Drew & Professor Gwyneth Pitt: Pitt’s Employment Law Set in the context of experience in the workplace as well as within the wider social and political framework, Pitt’s Employment Law provides a clear and succinct account of employment law and industr … EPUB Adobe DRM €67.51 Dr David McFadden: The Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Ireland Competition is recognised as a key driver of growth and innovation. Competition ensures that businesses continually improve their goods and services whilst striving to reduce their costs. Anti-compet … EPUB Adobe DRM €151.16 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×