Book Trade, Librarianship SupportoCatalogScienze socialiMedia / ComunicazioneGenerale, DizionariGiornalismoBook Trade, LibrarianshipMedia StudiesScienze della comunicazioneAltro7.770 Ebook in questa categoria Sarina (University of Leicester, UK) Wakefield: Museums of the Arabian Peninsula Museums of the Arabian Peninsula offers new insights into the history and development of museums within the region. Recognising and engaging with varied approaches to museum development and practice, … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.29 Jamie A. (The University of Arizona, USA) Lee: Producing the Archival Body Producing the Archival Body draws on theoretical and practical research conducted within US and Canadian archives, along with critical and cultural theory, to examine the everyday lived experiences o … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.48 Mary Larsgarrd L: Maps and Related Cartographic Materials Make maps and other cartographic materials more easily accessible and usable! Maps and Related Cartographic Materials: Cataloging, Classification, and Bibliographic Control is a format-focused refere … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.91 Jasper Chalcraft & Camila Del Marmol: The Making of Heritage This volume explores the process of heritage making and its relation to the production of touristic places, examining several case studies around the world. Most existing literature on heritage and t … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.60 Linda S Katz: Outreach Services in Academic and Special Libraries Discover innovative outreach services you can implement for your library! Outreach Services in Academic and Special Libraries examines the creation and delivery of outreach programs designed to promo … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.84 Lorri Zipperer: Knowledge Management in Healthcare Knowledge management goes beyond data and information capture in computerized health records and ordering systems; it seeks to leverage the experiences of all who interact in healthcare to enhance ca … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.33 Pam Dunn & Suzanne McMahon: If We Build It This book, first published in 1993, addresses important questions about the future that libraries need to answer today such as: What will change for serials librarians, vendors, and publishers as ink … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.56 Pat Cooke: The Politics and Polemics of Culture in Ireland, 1800–2010 As a contribution to cultural policy studies, this book offers a uniquely detailed and comprehensive account of the historical evolution of cultural policies and their contestation within a single de … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.40 Julie Gibbs: Social Measurement through Social Surveys How do academic social scientists and survey professionals use social measurement techniques? How are these techniques applied to specific concepts in empirical research? This book is an important re … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.60 Annette Naudin: Cultural Entrepreneurship This book explores the lived experience of cultural entrepreneurship examining the challenges associated with cultural labour including the insecurities of managing precarious working conditions. Dra … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.54 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×