Anna Costanza Baldry is Professor of Social and Forensic Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy.
Catherine Blaya is Professor of Education Science at Lausanne University of Teacher Education, Switzerland, and Chair of the International Observatory of Violence in Schools.
David P. Farrington, OBE, is Emeritus Professor of Psychological Criminology at the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University, UK.
4 Ebook di Catherine Blaya
Anna Costanza Baldry & Catherine Blaya: International Perspectives on Cyberbullying
This book brings together an international group of experts to present the latest psychosocial and developmental criminological research on cyberbullying, cybervictimization and intervention. With co …
Catherine Blaya & Damanjit Sandhu: Bullying, Cyberbullying and Student Well-Being in Schools
Daniel Míguez & Alfredo Furlan: Reflexiones sobre la violencia en las escuelas
En los últimos tiempos, se han publicado muchos libros sobre la violencia en la escuela. Mientras la presión mediática subsista, seguramente se seguirán publicando. Éste es uno más, pero de una impor …
Catherine Blaya: Le (cyber)harcèlement chez les jeunes
Mon ado est harcelé à l’école, comment puis-je l’aider à sortir de cette situation ? Mon enfant est quotidiennement témoin de harcèlement sur les réseaux sociaux, comment aborder le sujet avec lui ? …