C. Finney, nacido el 29 de agosto en Warren (Connecticut, EE.UU.). Abogado de profesión y crítico de la fe cristiana llegó a la conversión a Cristo mediante un estudio bíblico personal y asistencia esporádica a la Iglesia, cuanto tenía 29 años de edad. A partir de entonces se dedicó por entero a la predicación. “Me convertí de pleno corazón en la mañana del diez de octubre de 1821… —escribe— Inmediatamente me sentí investido de tal poder de lo alto que unas palabras por aquí y otras por allá que yo expresara a las personas las conducían a su inmediata conversión.”
Fue ordenado como ministro presbiteriano, aunque carecía de estudios formales de teología e incluso dijo no aceptar la Confesión de Fe de Westminster de su Iglesia. En sus escritos y sermones defiende el punto de vista arminiano respecto a la salvación. Durante ocho años promovió campañas de avivamientos por todos los Estados Unidos, con resultados desconocidos hasta entonces.
En 1820 comenzó a propagarse un formidable despertamiento espiritual que llegó a conocerse como el Gran Avivamiento de Occidente. Hubo muchas conversiones notables, entre ellas Teodoro D. Weld, el gran abolicionista. La reforma social que se produjo tras este avivamiento constituye por sí misma algo extraordinario. “Es correcto decir que tenía un ferviente interés en las cuestiones sociales así como una profunda dedicación a la evangelización” (L.A. Drummond).
En Rochester celebró tres campañas con un alto número de respuestas a la fe durante los años 1930-31. En aquellos tiempos de predicación masiva ocupó dos pastorados en la ciudad de Nueva York, en la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Chataham Street (1832-35) y en el Tabernáculo de Broadway (1836-37), en parte debido a haber contraído cólera y problemas de respiración, por causa de su agitada carrera.
En 1835 fue elegido profesor en el recientemente fundado seminario de Oberlin (Ohio). Durante el resto de su vida permaneció vinculado a esta institución. En 1851 fue nombrado presidente de ella, siguiendo a la dimisión de Asa Mahan. Al año siguiente la asistencia al colegio pasó de 570 a 1.020 alumnos. Mientras tanto reanudaba sus labores de evangelista. Realizó dos viajes importantes a Inglaterra (1849-50 y 1859-60) y causó un profundo impacto en las Islas Británicas. Miles de londinenses se convierton cuando predicó en el Tabernáculo de Whitefield.
Se calcula que medio millón de personas se convirtieron durante su largo ministerio. Inlcuso Lyman Beecher (1775-1863), tan conocido por su ortodoxia, tuvo que reconocer que “esta fue la mayor obra de Dios y el mayor avivamiento religioso que el mundo ha visto jamás en tan poco tiempo.”
Sus conferencias sobre el avivamiento, Lectures on Revivals, fueron publicadas y leídas en toda América y Europa, sirviendo de estímulo a otros despertares religiosos.
Murió el 16 de agosto de 1875 a la edad de 82 años.
Bien se le puede considerar el “padre de la moderna evangelización en masa”. Sus polémicas “nuevas medidas” respecto al avivamiento tenían que ver no con la instrumentalización humana del poder de Dios, como afirman sus críticos, sino con el uso metódico de los medios divinos para atraer a los pecadores a la salvación y a los santos a la renovación. “Un avivamiento —dice— no es nada más que un nuevo comienzo de obediencia a Dios.
30 Ebook di Charles G. Finney
Charles G. Finney: Past the End of the Pavement
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. It Was The Sig …
Charles G. Finney: Il circo del Dr. Lao
Cosa accadde quando in piena Grande Depressione, ad Abalone, Arizona, piantò le tende il circo itinerante e sinistro del vecchio mago cinese Dr. Lao? Sfoderando ogni sorta di animale ibrido e creatur …
Charles G. Finney: Autobiography of Charles G. Finney
Many Christians today may be unaware of the tremendous impact that Charles G. Finney had on the spiritual landscape of the United States. His years of revival work yielded valuable insights on the wo …
Charles G. Finney: Principles of Prayer
Learn How to Pray with Power Charles Finney’s ministry rolled like a spiritual shock wave across the American landscape in the nineteenth century. He attributed his effectiveness in large part to pra …
Charles G. Finney: Principles of Salvation
A clear explanation of salvation taken from twenty-three of Finney’s salvation sermons. …
Charles G. Finney: Principles of Discipleship
Following a period of great revival, Charles Finney reached a point of physical exhaustion which resulted in his writing a series of articles on various subjects to continue the work of discipleship …
Charles G. Finney: Principles of Revival
Principles of Revival is an edited version of Finney’s first book of published sermons, Sermons on Important Subjects. It is distinctively different in that it focuses on the psychology of revival an …
Charles G. Finney: Principles of Sanctification
Here is an expanded, edited and updated edition of Finney’s Views of Sanctification first published in 1840. This new volume includes Finney’s Letters on Sanctification which appeared in the Oberlin …
Charles G. Finney: Principles of Union with Christ
Thirty selected devotional readings about a Christian’s relationship to Christ gleaned from the writings of Charles G. Finney Though Charles Finney is most often associated with evangelism and reviva …
Charles G. Finney & Andrew Murray: Believer’s Secret of Spiritual Power (Andrew Murray Devotional Library)
Vibrant devotional reading from two classic writers Both Andrew Murray and Charles Finney wrote and spoke dynamically on the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life. Editor L. G. Parkhurst ha …
Charles G. Finney: Circus of Dr Lao
To the residents of Abalone, Arizona, a sleepy southwestern town whose chief concern is surviving the Great Depression, the arrival of a circus in town is a chance to forget their woes for a while. B …
Charles G. Finney: Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?
Charles G. Finney is best known for being a Presbyterian minister who played a decisive role in the Second Great Awakening and is thus known as one of the leaders of the modern revivalist movem …
Charles G. Finney: Repentance: Its Nature, Grounds, Necessity, and Infinite Importance
Charles G. Finney is best known for being a Presbyterian minister who played a decisive role in the Second Great Awakening and is thus known as one of the leaders of the modern revivalist movem …
Charles G. Finney: Power From On High
Charles G. Finney is best known for being a Presbyterian minister who played a decisive role in the Second Great Awakening and is thus known as one of the leaders of the modern revivalist movem …
Charles G. Finney: Views of Sanctification
Charles G. Finney is best known for being a Presbyterian minister who played a decisive role in the Second Great Awakening and is thus known as one of the leaders of the modern revivalist movem …
Charles G. Finney: El circo del Dr. Lao
Publicada en 1935, en plena depresión estadounidense, ésta es la historia de un extraño circo que llega misteriosamente a un Abalone, un pueblo perdido en Arizona. El circo est&a …
Charles G. Finney: El verdadero arrepentimiento
Trata de la gran importancia que tiene la enseñanza bíblica del arrepentimiento como una clave en la salvación del ser humano. El arrepentimiento verdadero es para salvación; el falso es para muerte. …
Charles G. Finney: Sermons on Gospel Themes
These sermons were preached by Pres. Finney at Oberlin during the years 1845–1861, and reported from his lips by myself. In taking these reports I aimed to give the heads of the sermons and all the i …
Charles G. Finney: Sermons on Important Subjects
THE following were some of the considerations that influenced me to undertake the publication of the sermons composing this volume. I. Garbled extracts of some of them had been given to the public by …
Charles G. Finney: The Memoirs of Charles G. Finney
THE author of the following narrative sufficiently explains its origin and purpose, in the introductory pages. He left the manuscript at the disposal of his family, having never decided, in his own m …
Charles G. Finney: Revival Fire
Revivals of religion have been gradually becoming more and more superficial. All the phenomena which they exhibit testify to this as a general fact. There is very much less deep conviction of sin and …
Charles G. Finney: Guide to the Savior
This little volume contains six lectures, making a part of Finney’s course of lectures on entire sanctification in this life, as published in the third volume of his Systematic Theology. He was repea …
Charles G. Finney: Sermons on Various Subjects
These words were addressed to the house of Israel, who from their history and from the verses in connection with the text, were evidently in a state of impenitency; and the requirement to make them a …
Charles G. Finney: Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?
In the holy Scriptures, we often find a negative thrown into the form of an interrogation. The text is an instance of this kind; so that we are to understand the prophet as affirming that two cannot …
Charles G. Finney: The Character Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry
In few words I wish to state what are not and what are my reasons for writing this book. It is not that I have any quarrel or controversy with any member of the Masonic Order. No one of them can just …
Charles G. Finney: The Way of Salvation
The continued interest manifested by the Christian public in the sermons of President Finney, which were first published now nearly sixty years ago, bears testimony to the vigor of his reasoning and …
Charles G. Finney: Lectures on Revivals of Religion
Lectures on Revivals of Religion is a religious book by Charles G. Finney, an American Presbyterian minister who was known as the ‘Father of Old Revivalism.’ Finney departs strongly from traditional …
Charles G. Finney: Se Liberte Do Ateísmo E Conheça A Deus
O grande avivalista e pastor Charles G. Finney (1792-1875), de uma forma bem direta e clara traz uma série de palestras dos mais variados temas importantes da religião. A existência de Deus, seus atr …
Charles G. Finney: Pregações De Charles G. Finney
Esteja preparado para ter os seus olhos abertos e sua alma capturada pela verdade do evangelho de Cristo e ter uma verdadeira transformação espiritual na sua vida. Você nunca mais será o mesmo depois …
Charles G. Finney: Teologia Sistemática
Tradução livre da obra de 1857 em português. Jamais publicada no Brasil. Finney apresenta de forma maravilhosa e abençoada seu conceito Teológico Bíblico de vários assuntos e temas importantes da Bíb …