Charles Olson (1910-1970) is best known for his book on Melville, Call Me Ishmael; his poetic manifesto, Projective Verse; and The Maximus Poems. He was the dynamic leader of what has come to be known as the Black Mountain school of poets, named for Black Mountain College, the experimental school where Olson was a presence from 1948 until its closing in 1956. The University of California Press has published several books of Olson”s poetry, including The Maximus Poems (1983), The Collected Poems of Charles Olson (1987), and Selected Poems (1993), as well as Olson”s Collected Prose (1997). Also available from California is A Guide to the Maximus Poems of Charles Olson by George F. Butterick (1978). Ralph Maud has been reading and teaching Olson ever since he met the poet in 1963, at the beginning of the two years they both taught at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Maud is the author of Charles Olson”s Reading: A Biography (1995) and What Does Not Change: The Significance of Charles Olson”s “The Kingfishers” (1997). He is Emeritus Professor of English and Associate of the Institute for the Humanities at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia.
5 Ebook di Charles Olson
Charles Olson: Selected Letters
For Charles Olson, letters were not only a daily means of communication with friends but were at the same time a vehicle for exploratory thought. In fact, many of Olson’s finest works, including Proj …
Charles Olson: Call Me Ishmael
First published in 1947, this acknowledged classic of American literary criticism explores the influences-especially Shakespearean ones-on Melville’s writing of Moby-Dick. One of the first Melvillean …
Charles Olson: Llamadme Ismael
EL ENSAYO LITERARIO QUE REVOLUCIONÓ LA MANERA DE ACERCARSE A MOBY DICK. «En su indispensable Llamadme Ismael, Olson demostró que el descubrimiento de Shakespeare y la lectura de El rey Lear fue una f …
Charles Olson: The Collected Poems of Charles Olson
A seminal figure in post-World War II literature, Charles Olson (1910-1970) has helped define the postmodern sensibility. His poetry is marked by an almost limitless range of interest and extraordina …
Charles Olson: Selected Poems of Charles Olson
‘I have assumed a great deal in the selection of the poems from such a large and various number, making them a discourse unavoidably my own as well as any Olson himself might have chosen to offer. I …